Ok, I'll try to clarify some things. I went back down there to pick up the court order and ran into the defense attny. He said the PO could have gotten difficult child into the local program but fought against it and that she would not budge when the GAL tried to get her to. He said it might be for the best- that difficult child had told him he's on the verge of doing something drastic- he made it sound mmore like homocide than suicide but wouldn't elaborate. He said he had a friend in the state system and was going to call him to try to get more info.
A mental health person talked to difficult child and they are not tdo'ing him. While I was at clerk's office, I asked for a copy of memo sent by PO. The clerk went to judge and asked if I could have a copy and the judge said no.
Intake is a local detention thing- when committed to state Department of Juvenile Justice (which is prison for juveniles), they are sent to a nearby area for processing and since difficult child was committed for an "undetermined amount of time", the statee will use their sentencing guidelinges. This is determined by type of offense and previous offenses and whether any are felonies. The judge did not commit him just for this offense, she committed him for 3 or 4 from last year, too- 2 of which are felonies. I think that the kids have to do their time in the prison system and the alternative placements are step-down/transitional places between release and being back in the community. The Residential Treatment Center (RTC)'s are not psychiatric Residential Treatment Center (RTC)'s, that's for sure.
One source said the parole officer would be involved thru this and the parole officer would not be the PO, but would be thru our same intake office (court services unit) as the PO- so they would know each other. Another says that the probation officer is the one to do this transfer paperwork to state and PO stays involved throughout difficult child's time in state Department of Juvenile Justice.
I think maybe the gal went with defense attny this morning to talk to difficult child before court. She said she had spoken with him and that he did not want to go live with my bro. If she heard whatever the defense attny did, the GAL might have been afraid that difficult child was homocidal and maybe that's why she changed gears. This will become clearer when I have my court for show cause. I assume it will be the same judge, but who knows. Interestly enouogh, I checked on that too to asked the clerk when my arraignment would be. She said they still haven't processed it- they are only on Feb 2 filings right now. So, that could take months. difficult child will be well in the system by then.
Thanks for all the support!! It means so much to me.
And yes, I am moving- especially if PO is going to be involved in our lives and difficult child even isn't home. I have wondered if the GAL found this board and saw that I was talking about moving too and that had something to do with it. Anyway, I figure I have every right to move if I can find full time employment somewhere else- since I lost that here trying to meet all the previous court orders.
You know- when I'm testifying about why I refused to taake that personality test, I hope someone there gets it when I tell them that ONE of the reasons is because I could not see sending difficult child home right now with court orders for me to get treatment as an acceptable solution.