Missouri was 99% humid and near 100 last time I was there. You probably will sweat there. Thank God for air conditioning
The best time of the year is--right now!
We are quite a bit south of you, but I agree. I love fall. I have other reasons besides the weather, but the cool crisp mornings and sunny days get me every time. I love jacket weather. Not coats - just jackets. lol I don't like it too cold either. I once had a boyfriend from north Iowa and he thought our lake (Lake of the Ozarks - a big lake) would freeze over in the winter. I found that hilarious! We seldom have ponds freeze over enough to walk on.
But give me high 40's to low 80's year-round and I'd be a happy girl. It's allowed to get cold enough to snow for two weeks - over Christmas.![]()
My first winter in Iowa was '06-'07, and it was a particularly cold and snowy winter.
It was fascinating to watch the fire department practice rescue drills on the river--and I mean literally ON the river! Vehicles and everything on the river! Totally frozen over! I though that was the most interesting part of the whole day.
Yes, I laughed when the boyfriend told me that and said, with the confidence of complete ignorance, that there was no way that could happen because, "running water can't freeze". But, I'd been told my whole life that you leave water running just a trickle to keep pipes from freezing in the winter - so I thought that was true!
If this is a hint to have meet up in fall...i love fall, but I think more people are available in summer. Thus summer!![]()
Not a hint from me!
Just a commentary about the weather!