Court tomorow for difficult child


Well-Known Member
That's good to hear! And funny thing is, getting off lightly may teach her better than harder punishment.

In my country there is certain range of lighter speeding, there police can either give you a ticker if they feel it is needed or give you a written reprimand if not. No other consequences if you get away with that written warning. It's a newer law. Before they either didn't stop you or stop and gave ticket. They of course studied how new law would change things and maybe even tried it first in just some part of the country. However what they did find in their studies was, that people who got off with reprimand were much less likely to speed in future. They explained it with idea that people who got a ticket felt they had paid for their mistake and didn't think of it any more, while those who got a reprimand felt they had been lucky and didn't dare to push their luck any more. Human nature can be an interesting thing.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, SuZir.
We used to live in a city well known for the speed of it's traffic... (when weather didn't result in the roads being shut down due to accidents...)
The police there had an interesting tactic: They would drive the major roads in MARKED cars, at just over the speed limit. Two of them, in two separate lanes (three or four lanes each way...), one driving a few hundred feet behind the other. They'd drive from one end of the city to the other during rush hour. People were free to pass them... but only a few dare-devils would do that. They never pulled over the "dare-devils". Never broke their speed. But they "set a good example" and after a few months of doing this, the average speed on that roadway dropped by at least 10 kmh. Then they'd go pick on another road for a few months, and kept the cycle going.

People called in complaining about the cops "wasting time cruising around the city". The Chief had to come clean and explain that they were actually doing something... using the above stats...
I'm happy that she got a second chance and a fresh start! That is a pretty strict law - 3 tickets and suspension. Phew! My husband would be in trouble. He has 5 minor tickets right now.

Suzir and Insane - Very interesting tactics that the police took to get people to slow down. I got pulled over for speeding once and was given a warning and I can honestly say that it did slow me down after that. I felt like I got a freebie and wasn't going to push it after that.

Cruise Control is a wonderful thing - I use mine all the time to keep me in check.... me thinks hubby needs a car with cruise control too. LOL