Honestly.........I don't know anymore if katie really wants to change bad enough. I mean, I think she does, but just like the typical difficult child though, she doesn't want to do the work that is necessary. So in this, she's just as guilty as M.
Actually, I was coming in to vent again. *sigh*
Every since katie was here on tues and I gave her the dayton shelter number.......she's been in the motel room with yet another "migraine". Sorry I'm putting it in quotes now because she's either working herself up into these things.....or she's faking and doing a passive aggressive deal with M as her flunkie bringing us her notes and doing her bidding. And quite frankly it's mega POing me tonight.
M shows up here at 2pm to do laundry........neither of them asked. And of course there was another note. This one says katie wants him to call the shelter and tell them they won't be coming until friday as she was wrong they have the rent paid until then. And she wants the kids to have another day with their daddy (gag me) and with grandma and grandpa cuz they're afraid they'll never see us again. (and who's fault is that one??) Oh, and while I'm at it here is a list of things M needs to ask and tell the shelter for me.........
I went from calm and serene to livid in less than 10 secs.
Moron did not touch my new washer. He did make the call to the shelter. I kept my mouth firmly shut.
M: Uhhhhh yeah, my wife called a few days ago (no it was yesterday moron) and you all are holdin a spot for us on thursday but we aint comin until friday so is that ok?
Shelter staff: whatever dude
M hangs up the phone. I'd been sitting less than a foot a way and heard the whole deal.
Me: Did you give them your name?
M: uhhhh no
Me: Did you give them katie's name?
M: uhhhh no
Me: Did you tell them you're a family of 5?
M: Uhhhhhhhhh no............. (major dumb look crosses his face) uhhhh maybe I should call them back tomorrow.........

Do you see what I am dealing with???? No I didn't read to him the list of things katie wanted him to ask. Not my problem. He is my age, if he can't remember what to ask then don't send him to call. I'm not his Momma, nor will I EVER act like it. Better yet, get off your lazy tuckus and come call them yourself.
By the time we get through this moronic display I suddenly remember I have to be at easy child's to get darrin off the bus because sister in law has to take the little baby to pediatrician doctor. So I leave rather in a rush. Not worried about dinner because husband knows there are 2 frozen pizzas in the freezer bought especially to feed them and M knew it too.
I came home at 6pm and figured they'd have been long gone. Nope. I get greeted by kayla and Alex who tell me daddy is going to make fried chicken and bake a cake and cookies. I said oh no he isn't!!! It's 6pm too late for either and I'm making pizza which takes no more than a half hour tops.
M had smoke coming out his ears. I looked him in the eye and just dared him to open his mouth.

Who the heck does this SOB think he is?? He did not ASK me if he could cook or bake, he just ASSUMED he could. The reason he didn't why I was gone was because Travis overheard him telling husband his plans and Travis tromped on it and told him NO ONE cooks in MY kitchen without MY permission especially when I'm not home. husband backed the boy up and M did not cook. This is a major issue with M, he just walks in and believes he can do as he pleases like he owns the place and lives here. Drives me utterly insane. Doesn't matter how many times you stop the behavior, he continues to do it. grrrrrrrrrr
So I do the pizza while kayla and alex decide that they'll bake cookies tomorrow........... Uh, no. Tomorrow you're going to dayton, sorry about your luck. There will be no supper at nana's house. There will be no baking at nana's house.
Now I'd have called katie and bawled her out except that M let it slip she turns off the room phone and keeps it off. Hmmmm. Now how does a shelter call people with their phones off?
So, having perfected passive aggression over the past 30 yrs with husband, people I AM the Queen, I used katie's own tactic against her. I wrote her a nice long note husband will deliver to her first thing in the morning when he picks up the kids for school.
In it I state that you don't kick a gift horse in the mouth and that I am not letting her risk losing her shelter spot in dayton over 1 bleeping day in the motel. Shelters are not motels, you don't get to pick and choose when you're going to show up especially when they were kind enough to hold the spot due to you being far away and needing to arrange transport. Told her she has 3 kids to think about and it is just not worth them being on the street. Then reminded her yet again she will not be coming back here to stay even "short term" due to our finances. Then I told her she needed to get her stuff packed over there by at least noon and get over here. She has more to pack from here and M said there was more laundry. Then I told her the 4pm she told the shelter would be earlier as husband doesn't want to arrive in dayton during rush hour and he is not comfortable driving at night. So the kids may be taken out of school before it lets out.
I did not ask her. I told her. I did at least attempt to do it tactfully.
Do these two really believe the world is going to cater to their whims? OMG She didn't ask husband and I if we could take them on friday, she just basically TOLD us we were going to. Uh nope don't think so kiddo.
easy child believes her calling the shelter to change plans was to try to tick them off and to ruin the deal.........so they could come back here. And then if I tell her no, I'm the bad guy not her. Maybe. I dunno. I don't care. I just know I'm NOT at their beck and call and they'd better get it figured out fast or all help is going to abruptly stop.
As for the grands being terrified they'll never see us again............well, gee katie YOU did that with your 6yr disappearing act remember? Wasn't us.
I hope the shelter makes them step up to the plate. Sadly, I'm doubting it will. Katie is too busy feeling sorry for herself or too lazy to get up and do what needs to be done when she is the only one to do it. M is too stupid, illiterate, and selfish to care about anyone except himself and how long it's going to take him to get a computer. It's not how long until they get a place to live.....it's how long until a computer. argh!!!!!
Oh, and also in the note katie tries to pull a guilt trip on me. Ohhhhhh she soooo doesn't want the kids in the shelter over the holidays, especially xmas. Well, then dear you should've svcked it up and made those phone calls and did what needed to be done to get a job and a roof over your head. This after I'd already told the kids they'd be here for the holidays.
Yup. Pretty darn livid tonight. I'm going to have all I can do not to literally push them out the door tomorrow.