I respectfully disagree with "at twelve your son is old enough..." A spectrum kid, at twelve, is at best seven or eight. On top of that, spectrum kids and adults are different, plain and simple, and may forever need transitional warnings. My son still does at fourteen. This is a lifelong difference and you can't really make it go away. What we do is say, "You have a half an hour on the Wii. After that, you can save it. Then you have to get off." And we do remind him of the time. Being a spectrum kid, he is very concrete and will look at the clock. "I have seven minutes to go." The "saving" part may take an extra ten minutes, but I don't feel it's defiance for them to want to save it. Sometimes "My way or the highway" doesn't work 100% and you have to go to 80%. This child is not the same as a bipolar child or a kid diagnosed with ODD. He has a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). I let my son take time to save his game because otherwise he loses what he's worked towards and I don't consider him "running the roost." He doesn't. In fact, he has turned into my easiest child, even though we have to parent him in ways appropriate to Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/autism. I don't believe he is trying to rule the house, although, if he's high functioning, maybe he is, but I see this more of a spectrum problem. Anyone who tries to fight the "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)" out of a spectrum kid is going to lose and have a chaotic house with raging and possible violence. You are talking about differently wired kids who will be differently wired adults. Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) means pervasive developmental disorder (global delay)--many of these kids don't get mature until thirty, if ever.