Hi Mommindy, You have so much on your plate, dear, battling cancer. Please take time for yourself and draw in deep breaths. It is hard enough having good health and dealing with d cs. Welcome to the site, and sorry for your need to be here. Life and our d cs can be overwhelming and cruel at times. Still there is a goodness to living. I hope you are able to find peace and hold on to hope.
Today her Doctor of two years said he gives up. She needs to want help.
She needs to want help. This is what my hubs said to me yesterday after a difficult moment with our eldest. It is so true. Your daughters doctor has not given up, he has given in to that realization. I do not think doctors like to give up. If a patient will not help themselves, no doctor in the world could make the difference.
I am terrified for her future and don't know how to help. Tough love?
Dear Mommindy, you don't know how to help, because deep down inside you know you cannot.
She has to want to help herself.
Yes tough love, with ourselves, too. We have to have tough love on ourselves and our tendency to over-help-to enable. There is a very good article on detachment in the PE forum page. I read and re-read it to give me strength in my resolve and convictions.
I am trying to stay calm I feel she resents me because I have been battling breast and cervical cancer myself. It takes attention from her.
This is not a normal reaction from a daughter (even stuck at 14) for her mother who is suffering. It is cruel and selfish, MM.
Please do not allow your daughter to do this to you.
She graduated from high school using home bound program because she could not make it through class. Now she works 12 hours a week and spends days locked in room texting and watching you tube. She has no friends and no interests.
If she was able to accomplish the program, she has it in her to succeed at other things.
How about you MM? Have you tried seeing a counselor, to get help for you? I went, it was very helpful. The therapist knew of resources to suggest for my D cs, too. Perhaps if you haven't tried this route, you could and get some suggestions for your daughter?
It must be hard, due to her ailment at 14.
You wrote the doctor felt your daughter is stuck at 14, I think the same of my two, but that is due to teen pregnancy (15), and the other, alcohol and drug use (13 or 14).
You haven't written a signature, if you go to your home page on the top under information, you could do that. It is helpful to others to know a little more about you, so that they get a better picture.
Keep posting MM. It helps to have a safe place to vent. I pray for relief, answers and comfort for you. You need all the strength you have to take care of your health.
I wish I had more guidance for you, but others will come along and share.
You are not alone MM.