Just an update... Difficult Child is still not adulting. She is not doing horrible things, but not taking care of what she needs to do. We got a $20 check from when she was on my husbands SS benefits and they did a price adjustment from several months ago. In told her I would bring it to her if she would help me at the medical office to get an insurance issue straightened out. and stop by the credit union to find out if she has any money.
Since I posted this back in September, she did walk off her job and did not really search for a new one in the last 6 weeks. She supposedy had a babysitting job after school for a single dad that was going to pay $200. She didn't get paid the first week, or the second, then the dad ended up in the hospital and she says he has lung cancer. His younger kids are 5,6 and 7. He has at least two adult children, also. She is friends with his adult daughter. So basically, he tries o give her gas money to pick kids up from school and watch them at his house.
Her car ins runs out November 10. Her car tag expires Nov 30. She had signed a contract with Planet Fitness for a monthly membership, with money coming out of the credit union. Well, there has not been any money in the CU and now she has a negative balance. The awkward part is, my husband is president of the CU board, because he worked for the post office, and it is a private postal credit union. It's not a paid position, just a volunteer type thing.
We have saved some funds over the years, because we received about $80 a month SS benefits or her. Of course, we spent more than $80 a month for food and clothes. We had wanted to use these funds to help her start her secondary or vocational schooling.
We won't bail her out for the car or other expenses...but this one we might.
I know it's going to take a long time for her to get on her feet. I again suggested going back to the mental health place and getting her old case manager back, and the job coach, and see if she qualifies for other benefits. She didn't commit...yet...maybe if things get worse. She isn't really living with her dad, but staying at various friends and thand family she baby sits for.
It is very kind of her to do that, but I see it more as she is being manipulated. She feels like she is part of their family now. I know she just really wants to "belong".
Don't really know that there is much else I can do at this point.