
New Member
Arkansas,it just mimicked the other diagnosis I stated earlier nothing pertaining to behavior,except the front as I lobe,executive deficits.


New Member
USA Arkansas,in meantime what about school in August?its Benn awhile about who she referred me to,but she said sdomeone that is qualified to do those test.I am going to call Monday.


Well-Known Member
There's a separate forum on the board for school issues. You might want to also post those specific questions over on "Special Education".

I'm in Canada - so not as much help with your school system.


Well-Known Member
There was one incident,where I think,he was outside and he had his arm around a girl,she is quite younger,and his hand graded her chest,she told her parents that my son tried to touch her,and her father,was the eating to call the police,later I found out that the girls brother got into it with-my son,and my son exploded and said if he tried to hit him,he was going to kill him,well the father,told him that was terroristic threating the next time he does or says anything like that he will call the police.At this point my so so upset he was crying.Later my son said it was taken out of context,He said he never tried to touch the girl thast his arm hand was hanging over her shoulder and it hit her chest by accident.Nothing like this has ever happened again.Up until I found lesbian porn on the devices about 2 days ago,other searches included,spit porn and aggressive porn.

How old is your daughter? I'd watch him around her if he shows an interest in violent porn. by the way, is he ever violent towards you? He may have attachment problems due to his seperation from you at such a young age and he may have inherited some behaviors from his father. Unfortunately, even when the bad parent goes away, he has already contributed a lot to the child's DNA. And you need to watch him for signs of schizophrenia. If he ever says he hears voices I'd take it seriously and I'd take him to a psychiatrist.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Start a parent report - there's a format on site resources, or find a recent post by Susiestar, she keeps a link in her signature.

Include in it, family medical history, including the dad's diagnosis.
All past evaluations and reports.
School reports - not just report cards, but IEPs, discipline sheets (if you have those), etc.
Medical history.
medications history.

ALL of that is useful info to the evaluator. It's much easier to start pulling it together NOW, rather then on the spot when you're asked for it.

The borderline IQ plus developmental delay sometimes means a wide gap between where the kid is at emotionally and socially, and where they are physically. At 16, hormones have kicked in. It's bad enough with a neurotypical teen...


New Member
OMG,its getting redicoulous, He asked me to maske pizza,so when it was done,I told him,he told me OK ,I'll be right there,well he kept playing his viedo game.Finally he came out,I'm hungry,where's the pizza,So I told him he ate a slice of it and said it was CV old,that he wanted burritos,I said you can go heat it up in the mircro wasve,he then said,Can you?This is how it is everyday.I told him no,I can't and ur not getting burritos,when u just asked for pizza and there's more left on the stove.He then said well I didn't think it would be cold.I said then go heat it up,he flatly said no,because he didn't want to miss a TV show.....transition problems???don't,know but the things he ought to be doing at 16,he isn't doing and the developmental center said,he is very Dependant,and would never be able to live alone.They said he would always have to live with-someone or in an assisted hounding place.


Well-Known Member
Is he on disability yet? If not, I'd have that happen. There is a lot out there for disabled adults. If he is not expected to be able to life independently, best to start early. The usual age to start planning for adult transition in OUR state is fourteen.

He does seem like he has a lot of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) traits, but he has other issues as well. There is nothing wrong with assisted living if he needs it.


New Member
Yes,but trying to find out if he is and what else is going on is the problem.Right now,he is in his room door shut,pretending.He physically pretends,usually a ninja or some warrior..I always hear him talking or making noises.He does this on routine basis,I always wondered about this too.


Well-Known Member
the developmental center said,he is very Dependant
Is this a team that can support your fight for a BIP? (behavior intervention plan)
If he's that "dependent", he really can't be judged the way "typical" kids are.
He needs to be taught appropriate behavior... each incident needs to be a learning experience. Punishment won't work.


New Member
What they did was gather info from when he was in school last to create his ninth grade I E P,but I wonder,if I take a poarent report to the person who will test him and see if,that helps.Something has to be done.


New Member
Ya know he was in a semi-secluded class,as I look at his reccomendations,there were a lot of suggestions to modify his weork,but although they said he was Dependant,nothing was meationed for behavior,guess because I told her I was homeschooling him.


New Member
What should I do?He wants to go back to school and I need to work,but with-his explosive behavior,I am scared it will be the same as it was last year or even worse.I was told school can send him away,call police excetra.What do you guys think I should do?Wait one more year?If you tell someone the consequences of an action,most people won't do it because they would get in trtouble.My son will do it to see what would happen next....he some how thinks its fun,that was his responce to the porn.Not cathing properly,it was I'm stable,nothings going to happen.


Well-Known Member
in my opinion he needs to be in special education. A smaller class that can deal with his challenges. You need to have him evaluated outside the school as the school's testing is incomplete and usually not very helpful. Do you have any insurance? Even Medicaid? A university hospital will almost always take Medicaid (I had it) and you get the BEST professionals available. I would ask for a neuropsychologist. Your son is not like other boys his age and should not and can not be treated like just a normal child who is defiant. He needs help, but you don't really know what kind yet because school doesn't really want to spend the $$$ to help our special children. That's w hy to get an impartial evaluation you need to get somebody with no ties to the school. You should not have to homeschool him. You don't have access to the resources the school has. You need to advocate that he gets all the services he needs and the only way to even start is to start using resources outside of the school. The school has proven to be uncooperative, like most of them are.