I know how you feel. I feel like such a failure as a mother. I pretty much raised my kids on my own and I did the best I could. He was good in school and never got in trouble, got a full ride football scholarship and had everything going for him. I blame the college for the start of this. He had already had one knee surgery and a foot surgery and while in college he hurt his knee again and needed surgery. They gave him pain pills like candy!!! The trainers would give him as much as he needed to be able to do what they needed him to do. They didn't care they were turning my son into a drug addict. When the pain pills were not enough he went to heroin. It is ripping my heart out. He left Tuesday and I haven't seen him and only heard from him this morning in a text. He said that he is homeless because I love my husband (his step dad) more than him. He is trying to guilt me into telling him to come home. I simply replied " My love for my husband is a different love than I have for my children and it has nothing to do with why I kicked you out. I kicked you out because I love you and want you to realize you need help. If you decide you want help you can call me and I will do anything I have to do to get it for you". He never replied to me. I just pray he is safe wherever he is.