Going Green
Thanks's been kind of weird the last couple of days. On the one hand, husband and I are horrified that we didn't realize what was going on last week. On the other though....biiiiiiiiiiiig sigh. He's safe for now and we can breathe at home.
Susie....I KNOW! LOL WHY would he want to stay here if we're (ahem....ME) so horrible! Just cracks me up!
As for the liver tests...the ER ran some blood work when he was there to check everything. All came back fine. According to difficult child (so take it with a grain of salt) the ER doctor told him that he must have one heck of an immune (?) system to not have died from what he took.
Oh and when I mentioned multiple suicide attempts? I don't know what to make of this one. He told the intake person yesterday at the psychiatric hospital that he tried to drown himself but woke up "on the surface with a bloody nose". Now...while I suppose that is possible....I have no idea when or where he would have done this and no clue what "surface" he's referring to. Granted, he could have hidden it but I definately don't remember him coming home wet and haven't found wet clothes around or anything smelling like river water. I just don't know what to make of that statement.
I called first thing this morning to see how he did yesterday after I left. It kind of made me giggle. According to my notes he was: attention seeking (MY son?? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo), in constant need of redirection and loud but seemed to be comfortable there. (Well yeah.....he's been there twice before. The unknown isn't unknown at this point, he knows what to expect and, I suspect, he's away from us and school so it's a vacation). I just called a bit ago to check in again. Today he's been very manic, napped, again needing redirection and also reminders of his language and appropriate subjects for conversation. I believe the words "must be center of attention" were in my report also. His psychiatrist had just seen him but her dictation hadn't made it into the chart yet. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that meeting! While she's good with him, I love her attitude with him. If he messes up, she doesn't hesitate to call him on it and she's pretty much on to him.
Still no idea of a treatment plan and/or release date but we have family therapy scheduled for tomorrow late afternoon so hopefully I'll get more info then. I haven't talked with the case worker yet either. I left her a voice mail this morning but she was out yesterday so I imagine she's playing catch up.
Star, I think I may have to take Cloe to the family therapy! LOL Poor thing is sad wooking for her boy. She says to tell Auntie Star, Princess Pootie, doctor and the rest of the group Hi!!!
So that's what I know at this point. Like I said, hopefully I can get some more info and options tomorrow. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. I could "feel" you all today. (But Star? Quit poking! It tickles. LOL)
Susie....I KNOW! LOL WHY would he want to stay here if we're (ahem....ME) so horrible! Just cracks me up!
As for the liver tests...the ER ran some blood work when he was there to check everything. All came back fine. According to difficult child (so take it with a grain of salt) the ER doctor told him that he must have one heck of an immune (?) system to not have died from what he took.
Oh and when I mentioned multiple suicide attempts? I don't know what to make of this one. He told the intake person yesterday at the psychiatric hospital that he tried to drown himself but woke up "on the surface with a bloody nose". Now...while I suppose that is possible....I have no idea when or where he would have done this and no clue what "surface" he's referring to. Granted, he could have hidden it but I definately don't remember him coming home wet and haven't found wet clothes around or anything smelling like river water. I just don't know what to make of that statement.
I called first thing this morning to see how he did yesterday after I left. It kind of made me giggle. According to my notes he was: attention seeking (MY son?? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo), in constant need of redirection and loud but seemed to be comfortable there. (Well yeah.....he's been there twice before. The unknown isn't unknown at this point, he knows what to expect and, I suspect, he's away from us and school so it's a vacation). I just called a bit ago to check in again. Today he's been very manic, napped, again needing redirection and also reminders of his language and appropriate subjects for conversation. I believe the words "must be center of attention" were in my report also. His psychiatrist had just seen him but her dictation hadn't made it into the chart yet. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for that meeting! While she's good with him, I love her attitude with him. If he messes up, she doesn't hesitate to call him on it and she's pretty much on to him.
Still no idea of a treatment plan and/or release date but we have family therapy scheduled for tomorrow late afternoon so hopefully I'll get more info then. I haven't talked with the case worker yet either. I left her a voice mail this morning but she was out yesterday so I imagine she's playing catch up.
Star, I think I may have to take Cloe to the family therapy! LOL Poor thing is sad wooking for her boy. She says to tell Auntie Star, Princess Pootie, doctor and the rest of the group Hi!!!
So that's what I know at this point. Like I said, hopefully I can get some more info and options tomorrow. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. I could "feel" you all today. (But Star? Quit poking! It tickles. LOL)