Susiestar, I wish you posted more often, like you used to
You say things in such a good way. It's true. If you have a problem with drugs, using them just sometimes first of all is probably not what is going to happen, but, say, it does. makes no difference. If YOU can't tolerate the drug, you will get into trouble and probably eventually be using every day again and moving on to harder stuff. The effects of drugs that you take nonstop becomes not enough of a high and you move on. Most of our kids started out smoking pot. Some ended up heroin addicts who need to take other medications just to stay off the heroin.
Drugs aren't ok. I can't understand ever telling your kid, young or older, that any drug use is safe or ok, including alcohol. It can be, used correctly and if you don't have the addiction gene, but you are always playing Russian roulette. And once you know, your only choice is to give all substances up and to change your entire lifestyle to clean, sober, and with a new respect for enjoying reality.
Legalizing pot won't make it safe for everyone, just like alcohol is often not safe.We don't know yet what stuff pot can cause. Bet it's plenty. Sure, it has some good uses, if a DOCTOR is prescribing it and watching the patient, but, like most substances, there are probably a lot more BAD things we don't know about yet. It hasn't been legal so it's been hard to study. In my Dad's day, cigarettes were "cool" and nobody had a clue of all the long term, horrible diseases they often cause. It takes time to find out.
I would NEVER EVER give a car or a dime for gasoline to ANYONE, my kid, my mother, my kissing cousin, my soulmate, if that person is not clean and sober. Not only would I feel responsible if the person got killed (and, yes, it happens), but I'd also feel I contributed to it if my addicted/non-sober loved one killed or hurt somebody else. Pot slows your reflexes. Alcohol, well, it is known well what it does. Nobody who isn't clean should be on the road and in my own judgmental
opinion, it is wrong to help anybody have access to a vehicle if the person uses any sort of drug. You just know they are not going to abstain from driving while high or buzzed. And if it's your car or you paid for the person's ability to be on the road, in my opinion, it is partly your fault if something happens. I think I read that 50% of all car accidents are due to intoxication.
Pot is a fooler. The pot user thinks he can drive and is perfectly fine driving. It's not true. I learned long ago never to get into a car with anyone whose on any sort of drug. In my teen years, like everyone, I did know drug users and I made myself the designated driver because I did not want them behind wheel of any car I was going to be driving in. By the time I was eighteen, I no longer tolerated hanging with anyone who did that stuff. I just saw what they were like when high/drunk/both and it was a big turn off. Also, it is boring for somebody who is sober to sit and listen to people who are giggly high on anything, pot included. They think they are being very clever. They are just being dumb to somebody who has to listen and is in his/her right mind.
My .02. My disclaimer is that all of this is my opinion due to my own experiences. You don't even want to get me started on cigarette
Ok. Done!