Her lack of motivation is baffling. Everything about it points to pot, but she's careful enough that I've not been able to catch her (and I have banned the hookah, much to her dismay).
Like many difficult child's, she tested as gifted and then got tossed from the gifted classes/programs because she didn't work. She was an honor student when she worked,a n nearly failing when she didn't. She went to an amazing college-prep Catholic high school, which she loved. She was nearly failing in her first semester of college and was told she'd be yanked if she didn't bring her grades up. Right before 2nd semester mid-terms, she walked off campus in Virigina (we live in Ohio) and took off to North Carolina with a guy she'd been talking to for one week on the internet. She was failing all classes and, as you can imagine, that was the end of her out of state college experience.
I made her an offer about school: if she returns (local community college only ... no more campus living for her!), she must pay for the semester (she does have money in a college fund ...just enough to barely cover this). If she does well (as in gets the kind of grades she is capable of getting), at the end of the semester, I will reiumburse her. She can use that money for the next semester and so on.
Since returning from her fling at Roanoke College, she has claimed she was going to go back to school to: become a hairdresser, a wedding planner, an interior designer, a legal mediator OR, she would simply skip school and write the great american novel.
Since returnign from Roanoke (we sent an uncle to retrieve her from her internet boy experience), she has worked 1. in a nursing home doing laundry. 2. She quit without notice to work at a local reailer as Christmas help. 3. was let go as she was seaosonal help. 4. Got a job at another retailer - real nice department store, about 20 hours per week. 5. Fired for shoplifting (she tells DEX it was a misunderstanding, and he believes her, even though she received certified letters about it and had to pay it back or they would press charges). 6. Gets job at Pizza Hut. 7. Quits because her boss plays angry birds on the computer instead of helping in the store .... Also, quits but pretends to go to work for two weeks before telling me (but tells her dad,who keeps it from me).
That was in June.
I went to Families Anonymous last night and also called Nancy for a lifeline, so I'm feeling much stronger today.
I sent her out again today. I'm pretty sure she's going to DEX's to watch Lost but I did warn him.
She claimed to apply to Manpower and Integrity staffing online. Also claimed she got a lead for a job at Big Lots.
And, it's funny, because prior to her going away to Roanoke, she worked steadily as a babysitter since she was 12. She babysat for her voice coach's son and,in the summer, babysat for him and for another family. There were also many night jobs and she was in demand. I requried her to save 50% of her pay, and she had quite a nest egg ... all of which is now blown. I've suggested looking into daycare jobs and she won't even consider it.