Like Step, I had a short answer to your title: "no", but I do agree with Lisa. difficult children can be taught, but you have to be rock-solid consistent in your expectations. AND, you can't let them see that their behaviour affects your mood.
Thank you for the wise words, Trinityroyal. Your very first sentence is something that I'm still learning to apply with him...CONSISTENCY!!I am not a confrontational person in the least. I love a peaceful, loving home (don't we all?). I'm also one of those people that thinks if I want something done, the right way, I might as well do it myself. With difficult child's history (of the past 5 years) he has made me almost scared to confront him about the smallest of things, such as his dirty dishes in the sink. Which makes consistency hard. His drug of choice (spice), literally turned him into a demon. He lashed out at me so many times...screaming at the top of his lungs while calling me EVERY horrible name under the sun, punching holes in my walls, throwing things such as shoes at me, breaking cell phones, etc. To say I walk on eggshells is an understatement. I have cried soooooooooooooooo many tears, lost my appetite, and now my hair is steadily falling out. He has wrecked my world, stolen my happiness, and worried me so much that my heart literally aches many days. Needless to say, as much as I love him, I want him gone ASAP. I want my life back, but even more, I want him to have his healthy life back!!!