Why? What does knowing what medications someone is taking matter? If he was getting chemotherapy for cancer would you notify the teacher of the medications and dosages? What's the teacher suppose to do with that information? Wouldn't you just tell the teacher he was getting chemotherapy?It is to each their own. But I would never want to NOT tell someone such as a school district that is going to be responsible for the care of my son for extended times any medications that he was taking. This is not aspirin that our children are taking, these are serious medications, not to be taken lightly.
And depending on the age of your child, some of these drugs that our kids take are sold by kids at school to others. If I'm not honest with the school to begin with and my stepson ended up selling some of his drugs at school, that would only make matters worse for him and myself. And such as did happen in our scenario, my stepson took an overdose without our knowledge one morning before school of one of his medications. Had his teacher and prinicipal not known of his medications, they may not have reacted as quickly as they did and his life could have been lost.
If a kid is selling drugs at school, he has no defense regardless of whether or not the drugs were prescribed for him. Not even his IEP protects him. And a child so dysfunctional that it is suspected he overdosed on a drug should get immediate medical care regardless of the cause of his behavior.
I understand about labeling a child. And yes there are some teachers that do just that when they hear of a child taking medication. But not all teachers are this way. Lord knows we have had both in our lifetime with my stepson. If that happens then you deal with the teacher and the school district, when and if it does happen.
It only takes one. I only confided in one person at my son's school. That person used the information to exclude him from school. There was no other explanation beyond that man's bias toward "mental health" labels.