Do you think I am doing the right thing?


New Member
Maybe the added incentive of a daily escourt (if you told her ) helped motivate her?
I used to explain to q that if he had trouble walking in the halls I could hold his hand between classes. LOL


Good for her and for you! "One day down" No small feat!

Going in early was another thing we discussed with the school. Like 10 minutes before other kids arrived so that the school/hallways were not crowded and difficult child was not encountering a lot of kids. It was not a bullying issue just the issue of having to walk in past a lot of people when feeling anxious. That did not work for us because of getting difficult child's siblings off to school but might be another thing to try.

Does your difficult child have a 504?


Active Member
Idohope- yes she has a 504. We started it last year, and it is still in effect. I will be curious to see how the say goes for her. She did tell me that she talked to the Guidance counselor intern for all of 2nd period yesterday. And that seemed to help. I do not know what they talked about though.