My bipolar 17 year old had to hit bottom with his acting out, violence, & drug selling/use. Ended up getting arrested last year and spent last summer in juvenile hall and moved to a residential treatment program in Utah last Fall. Now he is there, making some mistakes and learning a lot. Sometimes we cannot keep them safe or influence them enough at this age.
His arrest last year seemed horrible at the time, but was actually a blessing in disguise. He wasn't going to stop until he killed someone or was killed himself. He cared so little about his life or his impact on others.
So he is learning the hard way. And will be on probation once he comes home at the end of the year. So thankfully I will have his probation officer on my side if the acting out begins again.
So keep insisting that she follow your rules. You seem to have a really clear head on what you need to do to stay on top of her choices.