I'm back! So the meeting was actually a manifestation of the incident that occured on Friday. Before the meeting started, I explained, in no uncertain terms, that this incident was without a doubt apart of my difficult child exceptionality. The principal started off with... "Well he got to school and refused to do any work and that's how all started, that's how it always starts." I interupted her and told her that I wanted the teacher who witnessed the incident in the room because I wanted to hear it from her, not someone who was not there. She stopped what she was doing, and went to get her. The teacher said this, "difficult child and another student started arguing as soon as they got into class (notice she did not say anything about difficult child refusing to do work BECAUSE THAT DID NOT HAPPEN THAT DAY). She said that the other kid got up and got in difficult child face so they started arguing. She made the other kid go and sit in his desk but the arguing continued. difficult child said something that really upset the other kid and the other kid went to hit difficult child so difficult child threw a chair at him. The teacher got in the way to protect the other kid and got hit instead. She said she had never seen difficult child so angry and that he was really sorry that he hit her. difficult child swears that the other kid actually hit him but the teacher said she did not see the other kid hit difficult child. So there's the story... Either way, difficult child does not do well with teasing, bullying, or someone coming after him to hit him so he fights back. Its apart of his exceptionality, end of story.
I addressed the principal and explained that while I did appreciate her suggestions on parenting, I have my own behavior modification program that was created by his PSYCHOLOGIST. I very firmly told them that this was apart of his exceptionality and that this was not manipulation as he was accused of on Friday. I also mentioned that I spoke with a mental health attorney and she was locating resources for me that could help to get difficult child the services he needs to continue his education.
The principal apologized and said she did not mean to question my parenting skills nor does she think this is ALL manipulation by difficult child. Then she asked me if difficult child threw something at someone in public, would he be excused because of his exceptionality. I told her that he would be held accountable but in the end, it is all about his disability. I think she was upset because she thinks we are using his disability as a crutch for his behaviors.
I told them that this was not the atmosphere that I wanted my difficult child in and that he was learning nothing but negative behaviors from being there so long. They offered us something called STA where difficult child would go to school on Mondays and Fridays at a special school with just two teachers and one other child. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, we would have a teacher come to our home to do schoolwork with difficult child. I told them that I was not ready to make a decision and that I would talk it over with his doctors to see if it sounded like it would benefit difficult child.
I am waiting for the doctor to call me back at this time to see what her thoughts are on this "arrangement". I would have to get it signed off by the doctors for approval if they feel that this is the best route to go with difficult child.
So that was it, I am just weighing the pros and cons about the arrangment because it would meaning finding childcare for the days when he is homebound (Tuesdays - Thursdays). Of course, I would much prefer this to getting called at work to pick him up from school because he is "out of control"
The Director of Special Services mentioned that the principal was able to get through to difficult child because, "she don't play". I am assuming that she means that the principal makes good on her threats and follows through. <insert eye roll>
Anyway, I am working with difficult child now on his schoolwork. I decided to take him home for the day because there is no way he will get any work done if he's got all the distractions this school provides him. He's quietly doing his math homework at this time and giving me no problem
Thanks again for all of your support and encouragment. I am waiting for the Mental Health Attorney to call me back. She knows of a neuropsychologist in this area and she's getting me his number. Plus, she has a number to another advocacy group in our state capital that can provide additional support and services for us.
If I thought the schools here would be capable of handling him, I'd fight to keep him at school full time. At this point, I feel that he has been labeled and that the schools have no idea what to do with him. I think that this program may be good for him because it will be only him and one other student with two teachers. He will have the opportunity to learn with less distractions which is a great thing. Thanks again for all of your support and I am open to constructive criticism if you feel I should have done something different. There are a lot of phone calls I still need to make but I wanted to come in and update you all on what happened. I hope you are all having an excellent day!!! Thanks again!!
I forgot to mention that juvy was not brought up at all in the meeting. I am assuming that either it was dropped or they have already referred us to the courts and we'll get a letter or phone call sometime soon. That's another thing the mental health attorney was completely against so I honestly don't see it being an issue... of course I have put my foot in my mouth before, lol.