Does my attitude need adjusting? ***updated***


Active Member
I hope he has a great time.

But yeah, I agree that the time seems a bit too late for kids that age, in my opinion.

Our local school (primary - grades K through to 6) has "school socials" on one afternoon/evening, usually the last one of the term. So on the Friday the kids get home from school at about 3.30 pm and begin getting ready. They are timed to happen in sequence. The first one usually begins at 4 pm and goes until 5.30 pm. This is for K-2. Then at 6 pm the next group assembles - grades 3-4. They go until 7.30 pm. Then grades 5-6 gather from 8-9.30 pm. These are well attended by teachers who keep everything organised. Sometimes there's a costume theme, sometimes the kids just dress up. Parents "bring a plate" to contribute to supper, for which the kids file in, walk around the bench a couple of times and eat as they walk around. I was never greatly impressed by the whole way it was done, but the kids seemed to accept it.

I do wonder if, in this case, the late start is because a younger group of kids had the earlier time slot. In which case - do the senior high school kids follow, beginning at 11 pm? I surely hope not!



Active Member
These are the times that make our mommy hearts go awww. I hope he had a great time. Did he dance with any girls??? Update us!!!


Our school socials(dances) use to be from 8 - 10 pm back when easy child went there. Kids get the permission slip on Monday. No referrals, detentions or class removals or you cannot go. No refunds. So..for difficult child we always wait until the very last minute.
But now they are right after school. Both my kids went. Once they are in they are not allowed out without a parent picking them up. Not even when it is over. not even when it is after school. Parents must go into the school to get them.

Good thing. Wouldn't want them to congregate..that could cause issues.

Hope he had a great time. You'll have to let us know.


Getting info out of difficult child is like pulling hen's teeth.

difficult child said:

He hung out with his friends.
He didn't dance.
There was a guy there that danced "with-flips and everything."
There was all kinds of music, but no rock -- and difficult child thinks they should have played some rock.
It needed to be darker in the gym with a disco light (all lights were on). [Mom silently clapping at all lights on; he got the learned opinion from his buddies who apparently think they have sufficient experience with-such issues.]
He had a good time and wants to go to the next dance. [I advised it would be a good idea for him to give us more than 24 hours notice.]

That's all I can get out of him. If I get any more info, it will be in bits and pieces over the next couple of months. Sigh....

I'm glad he had a good time, and that when husband picked him up he wasn't met at the door with someone citing a list of inappropriate behaviors. Mom exhaling..... lol


That is such good news. Glad he had a good time. and you fear of being met at the door...I have the same fear.