so ready to live
Well-Known Member
Our 28 y.o. son has been sofa surfing and homeless now again. This time for 4+ mo. after being told to leave our home again due to multiple issues. We have kept the title to his truck for 2 yr. at his request. He had "title loaned" it at that time and we bought it out of hock for him for $2600.00 when it was nearing being repo'd. Last night the former girlfriend (whom he lives with or travels with) texts us, as if she were him, to tell us he has someone to buy truck and could we leave title where they could pick it up. Because we wanted to make sure he is in on this deal, hubby took title with him to work texting them to say he'd meet them or they could pick up from him. I was initially angry/sad as I've always taken comfort in the at least he can live in his car thought. The girlfriend texts as if she were him often, he's dyslexic and it's easy for me to tell he didn't actually write us. I do believe he totally just tells her to do it for him. Although I feel like she uses him, he probably is ok with that as he will let anyone take care of him so he doesn't have to do it himself.
The title is our last tie to him. Our tin foil box, as someone else recently posted. Although I think it's a bad decision (We believe they are simply title loaning it again for fast cash) it's not my car. He bought it initially, we bought it out of hock to get him on his feet. That didn't pan out so well, did it?
So sad today-I'm trying to not let it ruin my weekend. It's just so ongoing, the mess of it all. We know it's his mess alone, but in my heart I want so much more for him.
I read once "sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't". This is where we are at, yet I know it's not giving up-it's giving over-out of our hands-into his, into God's--just out of mine.
It feels better to write this all down, to think it through, thank you all.
The title is our last tie to him. Our tin foil box, as someone else recently posted. Although I think it's a bad decision (We believe they are simply title loaning it again for fast cash) it's not my car. He bought it initially, we bought it out of hock to get him on his feet. That didn't pan out so well, did it?
So sad today-I'm trying to not let it ruin my weekend. It's just so ongoing, the mess of it all. We know it's his mess alone, but in my heart I want so much more for him.
I read once "sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't". This is where we are at, yet I know it's not giving up-it's giving over-out of our hands-into his, into God's--just out of mine.
It feels better to write this all down, to think it through, thank you all.