Oh, the drama came full court press to me this morning. I had a flat tire on the way to work. Fix-a-flat didn't help. Hubby was 30 minutes across town. difficult child was passed out asleep in his bed (he had made enough noise when he went to bed to wake me up). I called the car dealer, and my service person gave me the name of a towing company. It was lucky I called a tow, because the 300pound former pro wrestler couln't get the lug nuts off without using a breaker bar and jumping on it!
I was only 30 minutes late for work. I was in my office a very short time before I heard water flowing. Ended up with a major leak, losing the use of computer, several books, and the cutest picture ever of our granddaughter. Out of my office for over 3hours, till the water was sucked up.
Then, difficult child's (former) girlfriend calls, saying he broke out the window at her apartment last night. I told her there was nothing I could do. difficult child tells a different story. I don't believe either completely.