Hi HR,
I rarely post anymore because my difficult child is grown up away and pretty much a easy child now. I just had to chime in though to say that my younger dtr was abused physically and emotionally by her older sister and has now been in therapy for 8 or 9 years and is still struggling (though much better). I didn't even know what was going on when she was younger and she seemed "fine" up til she was about 12. She has a dissociative disorder--her way of coping with her sister--and she struggles with learning that she is no longer a helpless child, that she is an empowered young adult.
Your younger child, in my opinion, is not better off in a dysfunctional family--he may suffer for years from the abuse. Abuse is abuse, just because it is a sibling rather than a parent or other adult, doesn't change that. In fact, at some point he may have to deal with his feelings of betrayal by you if you can't protect him.
Don't mean to be harsh, this just touches a sore spot with me and I wanted to give you a perspective from a parent who has been in a similar situation.
Take care,
I rarely post anymore because my difficult child is grown up away and pretty much a easy child now. I just had to chime in though to say that my younger dtr was abused physically and emotionally by her older sister and has now been in therapy for 8 or 9 years and is still struggling (though much better). I didn't even know what was going on when she was younger and she seemed "fine" up til she was about 12. She has a dissociative disorder--her way of coping with her sister--and she struggles with learning that she is no longer a helpless child, that she is an empowered young adult.
Your younger child, in my opinion, is not better off in a dysfunctional family--he may suffer for years from the abuse. Abuse is abuse, just because it is a sibling rather than a parent or other adult, doesn't change that. In fact, at some point he may have to deal with his feelings of betrayal by you if you can't protect him.
Don't mean to be harsh, this just touches a sore spot with me and I wanted to give you a perspective from a parent who has been in a similar situation.
Take care,