I know, I really do. I was in that place and then my difficult child went to jail. I thought I would not be able to survive it. Then she made more bad choices and ended up in jail once again. I went into overdrive doing EVERYTHING for her while she called me collect nightly three or four times to cry. I broke down in the car one day after leaving the impound lot trying to get her car out for the 3rd day in a row, only to be told we didn't have the correct paperwork, again. I cried as if my heart would explode, my SO pulled the car over and just held on to me. I couldn't stop crying, I don't know that I ever cried like that before, it really felt as if a big piece of me had actually broken. We then continued on our crazy journey, paying for the impound, paying her lapsed registration, paying for the car to be repaired, paying for old tickets, paying for her jail account, paying for the phone calls, paying and paying in every possible way. I was getting more and more depleted, resentful and plain old worn out. Then one day on the phone, she just treated me so shabbily after I said her car wouldn't be ready to be picked up at my mechanics yet, the repairs I was paying for.........I heard something in her voice, something that made me very angry and I just said, "I'm done now." And that was the end. I didn't know it then. Time went by and I never felt the same way again. I had reached critical mass, I had jumped to a new level of awareness, and you can't go back. That was almost 4 months ago.
Your son may go to jail Payla, he may. And, you can't control that. He may be heavily involved with the drug issues. And, if that's true and you get that news it will probably knock you over. But, you will get up and learn to live with even that. And, some of us here are actually glad when our kids are in jail, because they are safe. They are protected from themselves, their own bad choices and their unsavory associates. They are fed and warm. I know it's weird, but it's true. And, while they are in jail, you can stop worrying about them and get some peace. That's not always the case, but it often is. Then you will learn to live with even that.
You're on this road now and you've begun this process of detachment. You've made all the right choices and it still feels bad. And it may stay like this for awhile, I don't know, but he will land somewhere, sometime and then you will learn to live with that too. It sucks I know. I'm sorry, I can empathize. But, as the saying goes, .................the only way out is through....................
Just for a lighter note, when I am in a quandary, my SO always says, " we have to go with what Stymie (of the old Little Rascals) said, we don't know where we're going, but we're on our way." You're on your way Payla.............just hang on...........