Well I finally made it home!! I've been reading all these supportive posts and I want everyone to know that I appreciate them very much. You all have really become my family!!
The policeman got tired of waiting on the sheriffs, so he got special permission to transport difficult child himself (the psychiatric hospital is in an adjacent county, so our county cops can't go there ordinarily). Anyway, then we met up at the psychiatric hospital intake- around 10:30. That cop was one of the nicest I've met here.
After he left and difficult child and I finally had some time alone- when I was sure wishing I had one of those cushions you ladies offered- I told difficult child that I'm sorry he's so unhappy at home. He said it isn't that so much, that it was lack of money and me being stressed and his grandmother doesn't want to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts much anymore, etc- I guess it sounded a little more like the things that are depressing me, too.
Then- get this- he said "I know I need to be here Mom and I did tell them that." I asked who he told that and he said the counselor at the crisis center and the policeman on the drive down. I asked why he felt like he needed to be at psychiatric hospital and he said because he was and had been really depressed. I told him that I'm glad he'd said that to others, but he could have made things a little easier if he'd told me that last night when I asked about it and tried to discuss going to psychiatric hospital with him. He said he knew, but he had plans for today. HUMMM- actually, he was looking at me like he had just taken for granted that I would get him there pretty soon.
Oh boy- the things I end up forgiving this child for sometimes, Know what I mean???!!
But, on the drive home, I was thinking about he's acted (and still is) depressed and anxious until it gets to the point that he seems so erratic and suicidal sometimes- and now we are right back to where we were the first time he was admitted there 2 1/2 years ago- the same question- is that unipolar depression and anxiety and he is suicidal; or is it bipolar and he's manic or having rapid cycling?
Is erratic, suicidal behavior the same as mania? How do you distinguish the two if they aren't the same?
They gave him his first diagnosis back then- "Major Depression; rule out Bipolar"
Anyway- yeah, I think I definitely need to document some things after I get some rest and catch up on a couple of things. Then, I'm going to applpy for that waiver. Then, I will discuss with sw at psychiatric hospital how desparate we feel, our situation and what options she knows about and make sure she understands that I need some help getting some help!!
Right now, I'm tempted to email the principal and cm at school to explain why difficult child won't be at school tomorrow and what could have been done to prevent it.