You know -
When I went through abuse therapy they told us the #1 reason a woman stays in an abusive relationship is -not what you think. You would think that fear of retribution, or fear of death but the #1 fear is the UNKNOWN.
In a lot of ways it was the same for me and still is to some degree with Dude. I don't KNOW what is going to happen, I know what I WANT, but another unknown is not knowing what THEY want. And a lot of times when you say or ask them what they want it is SO grandiose you being to question if they have any rationale at all. Flat out asked our therapist if Dude was maybe mildly retarded. At 17 his aspirations without an education, or being in school, and a convicted felon were - ridiculous. Not just hahah maybe he could do it if he applied himself - but just about as could happen as if I said I want to be an astronaut at 44.
The thing I do know is that NO amount of worrying on my part will change the course of what will be history a minute from now. No amount of my acid reflux has EVER been considered in a court case. No amount of my OBVIOUS black bags under my eyes, worn to a frazzle look has EVER made the slightest difference with a group home, therapist, Residential Treatment Center (RTC) staff, judge, jailer, because everyone has their own problems and while someone could see I was walking death - it wasn't their life...and consequently not their problem. So why do we worry?
I think, (IMVHO) that we worry because we feel that somewhere in all the upset is THE answer (heavens open up, gold coins fall from the sky, clouds become cotton candy, angels sing) and we have a V-8 moment (slap head) and say to ourselves "I knew if I just thought long and hard enough I could solve this problem." and sometimes? That could work - but it's rare that anything we upset ourselves over changes the way our children behave. I'm a living example of that - I had a stroke - and Dudes reaction while in Department of Juvenile Justice was - So did she send my stamps and envelops? Or something that was self-serving - maybe was Dad going to show up and buy vending machine snacks on Wed. night visits. Not "OH wow - my behavior adversely affected my Mother to THAT degree?" naughah...not happening.
Too - I think about turning my back, turning a blind eye - shutting my ears, ignoring him to the point of WELL THERE YOU GO, or thinking to myself in a shoulder devil/shoulder angel conversation - HELP HIM - NO DO NOT or he'll never find his way -- HELP HIM OR HE'S GOING TO DIE, no no - if you help him you are NOT doing him any favors - FAVORS? Yeah he's ripe with your favors isn't he? Homeless, no job...goingto jail.....and that conversation goes on and one until I could scream and sometimes do to make them shut up. (voices in my head)
What I can tell you is that you just have to follow your heart. I've even pretended that Dude was NOT MY KID - in an effort to stave off my own help. I thought "If that were NOT my kid how would I approach this?" and that helped me some, but then the shoulder conversation goes on - You're a bad mom for not helping, You SHOULD try one more time....and once again I'm stuck sitting with my fingers in my ears telling the voices to SHUT UP.
I dont' know that shutting them out totally is the answer - we get so much information about how to parent a younger child, don't be a militant mom, don't do this, do that - but yet no one explains what happens with kids like ours.....there's no book......there is ONLY US (people on the board) who have gone before us and we HOPE that our kids Find the lighted path. We are deeply saddened (more than words could say) about those parents here who have lost children, and secretly most of us while sympathetic are saying OH MY GOD I hope that is never my kid - but it happens. And that is the fear of the unknown......
Maybe the best thing we can do is tell them we love them constantly, support them when they are living right or trying to live right, point them in the right direction and pray they figure it out somewhere down the road and butt out of their lives and decision making. I hope so because that's where I am now. In all my born days if someone would have told me when I held him as a baby that in 17.8 years from now - he'll be on his own, uneducated, sullen, depressed, moody, angry, a felon, looking at 15 years in prison because even though he was raised well, he made STUPIT mistakes, and spent a lot of his childhood feeling sorry for himself because he couldnt' get along at home to the point that we kept him either in Residential Treatment Center (RTC)'s, group homes or hospitals.......
I would have never believed it - BUT I couldn't have worked any harder to prevent any of it than I did - and you either. We did the best we could with what we knew - and NOW it's time for our sons to do the best they can with what they know.
I try to keep in mind that I wish I were 1/2 as bright NOW at 44 as I
thought I was at 18.
We're here - and we get it SLSH........don't bottle it up - you're not much different than a shaken Coke when you do.