Got a call from difficult child



You are right, I cannot speak for everyone. I, personally, have never seen anyone become violent on pot. I will say that a majority of the people that I know do smoke. That is not to say people don't get violent. But I guess I am of the mindset that it isn't pot causing the violence, but more of a mental health problem. Purely my opinion, though. We all have them and I know most of you disagree with my mine. That is okay - I still love ya all! :)

For me, I wish pot was my difficult child's problem and not meth. Sad, I know, but it is the absolute truth.


PG I have known a lot of people who smoked pot, who probably still do smoke pot. I dont see pot as a whole lot different than alcohol and to be honest I think I would rather have difficult child smoking pot regularly than binge drinking. So on this I agree with you. And man I would much much rather have him smoke pot than use either meth or heroin.... and so on that score I agree with you also. And I can totally understand you wishing your daughter was only using pot rather than using i wish my difficult child was only smoking cigarettes!

However I know my difficult child has tried many many other drugs, he will use whatever he can to get high. That is what scares me... and hopefully if pot is readily available in CO he will stick to pot and not do some of the other things he has done... however I dont know if he will do that.



Well-Known Member
For me, I wish pot was my difficult child's problem and not meth. Sad, I know, but it is the absolute truth.

I hear you PG and I would agree with that for sure.

My only comment is that those who can smoke pot and never get violent or commit crime are not addicts and that is the difference I believe. And if they are not addicts they don't have to steal money because they won't smoke more than they can afford. And they probably have jobs that they responsibly go to instead of sitting at home all day in a pot daze. And they have no reason to get violent because every waking moment is not spent trying to figure out how they can score their next baggie.


I hear you PG and I would agree with that for sure.

My only comment is that those who can smoke pot and never get violent or commit crime are not addicts and that is the difference I believe. And if they are not addicts they don't have to steal money because they won't smoke more than they can afford. And they probably have jobs that they responsibly go to instead of sitting at home all day in a pot daze. And they have no reason to get violent because every waking moment is not spent trying to figure out how they can score their next baggie.

Excellent point...