we had our meeting today and i freaked. my anxiety kicked in. could barely even sign anything for the shaking. it sucked quite frankly. but, i withdrew the request...i know your not going to be pleased, but they put me on the spot... and they did make some arrangements, modifications in his behavior chart at school, and they have added rewards. which i really dont think will count towards anything productive because he will never reach the goals. they are bringing in the school psychologist to meet with andrew. i told them, i would agree to withdraw my request at this time since we are just beginning to put andrew on mood stabalizing medications and just learnign about sensory integration but, that if he doesnt improve and his next grade card is still failing, i will re-request. they agreed and stated i had that right.
the ppl in the meeting, i knew each one personally except for the Special Education director. she was the head of the meeting but other than that, our school counselor was there, which is a good friend, the Special Education teacher was there, known her for a long time too, the speech teacher, well known plus his regular teacher, which is totally understanding that it is bipolar with him. they all agreed that they would be monitoring andrew and trying to see if the rewards would make a difference. then we are suposed to meet again in january to
i am pretty disappointed in myself. i am an idot. i know that behaavioral rewards..and charting isnt going to work. i mean it helps, but..come on... teh problem is his disease. oh well... i am going to have a one on one with his teacher in the morning and express some specific concerns that i have about what she is doing Occupational Therapist (OT) worsen his behavior and wait to see how she responds. gosh.