HELP - defining odd speech patterns


Active Member
M, it's precisely for the reasons you listed that I like to visit there sometimes, mostly just listening. I think we can learn a lot, even if we don't agree with the position.


Active Member
I've been having a fascinating time with this, I've found out a lot more. I'm going to call my Speech Pathologist friend and get her involved (if I can). She's really good at it, a good friend, but has a lot of problems of her own (recovering from brain damage - car accident - can't organise her way out of a wet paper bag).

The militancy on WrongPlanet seems to me similar to some local deaf groups here in Sydney. Their attitude is, "We are normal, there is nothing wrong with us, we are not disabled, you should learn sign language so you can expand your horizons to include us" sort of thing. Some are so militant they really dump on any deaf person wanting to get a cochlear implant, they are seen as traitors. Why want to change yourself and turn into a hearing person with all the disadvantages and few of the supposed advantages?

I just posted something there on the difference between "disability" and "handicap". I embrace my disability, but I do not let society handicap me.

I've posted an update on another thread, I'm going to continue the latest updates there because I'm finding out some interesting things.
