Risperdal can sedate the patient. Our boys were both on it for a while; difficult child 1 was so sensitive to it that he found even quarter of a tablet sedated him. Half an hour after taking it, he would go to bed and sleep. Something for you to bear in mind depending on when your stepson takes his tablets.
Something else to watch for - difficult child 1 especially, doubled his weight in six months. He did lose the weight later when he went off the risperdal, but the weight went up because his appetite went up.
I think you and husband need some respite, from the sound of things. So does your son. The bio-mum sounds like a prize idiot, a big part of the problem. All the more reason for husband to step up to the plate and be the strong, consistent parent. And it really should be husband and not you, because husband is the father, you're just the step. You shouldn't have to wear this, especially not on your own and to the detriment of your own son.
There are other step-parents here, they also have good resources they can point you towards.
Hang in there. The cavalry is on the way!