This was hard to read and you got really good advice. These people are great and wise.
My daughter is 33 and going nowhere fast. On the verge of homelessness. One child. I am not going to give up my golden years to raise my grndchild nor has he been taken away from his parents yet. But even if her father and I felt up to raising Jaden, and we don't, the child will only be around 10 when we are 70. We want him in a stable home, not one where he could suddenly be homeless at any time if we can't care for him. My other daughter would raise him. We are older and NEED this time and maybe we are selfish, but we did everything for Kay, gave her our entire life, and it did no good. We are done. We wont be here forever to buy her out of being homeless.
Please don't resent your two achieving kids. Instead, enjoy them. I have two high achievers who are also done helping Kay. They encourage us daily that we are doing the right thing by detaching from Kay. We lean on them. They are good people who know that helping Kay doesn't help her at all. They suffered as we spent all their youth on their sister. And yet they are good people and still love us. I don't want them to help Kay. What is helping anyway?With Kay helping doesn't help. She just demands more and not nicely. I don't want my nice kids involved.. please don't resent your nice kids for not playing.
Your troubled son is 40 already. He was in jail so he did some crime against society. His ex is an addict. From reading it is hard for me to believe that he doesn't abuse some substance. He had back surgery. Was he given pain killers? Opiads? Does he drink too much? Smoke pot all day? Cough syrup? ADHD medications? All this is often abused. Then they steal to have money to buy it and cant pass drug tests for jobs, if they even want to work. Many don't try to work.
There is a reason why your son is in such a bad way. The most common reason is drugs, including legal drugs. Whatever the reason, your other kids have good lives, kids, jobs, they are not obligated to look after their 40 year old brother. He needs to turn his life around on his own. Or not. Its 100 percent on him, as it is with Kay. We spent most of our time and money on her with no difference.
Please enjoy and love your other kids. They are doing right in my opinion by not "helping"their brother. They should not. We should not in my opinion.
Have you seen a therapist?
If God is in your life, as He is in mine, give your son to God. You have done all you can. i recommend Al Anon highly even if you are not sure about substance abuse. The 12 Steps help anyone dealing with a person who is beloved who won't live life normally and whom we keep trying to help. It is enabling to do anything for them that they can do themselves. It makes them more helpless.
I am so sorry for your pain