Homeless meth addicted son


New Member
Hello I'm new here, my story is long and my concentration is bad right now so I'm going to try to summerize this. My son is 39 he started using as a teenager I don't think there's nothing he hasn't tried except maybe herion. 7 years he ended up in prison for breaking into 3 pharmacies and getting caught at the last one with all of the drugs. Did 5 years. Came out and lived with us for almost a year was doing ok at first then started hanging out with a woman that was on meth. He blew up at me said all kinds of nasty mean things and said I don't want to be here I said where and he said here I said ok leave then so he left with no job no place to live whatever. Another year goes by without contact and due to the heavy meth use he went into a state of psychosis and was posting his rants of how multiple groups were after him trying to kill him he was in and out of the hospital at least 4 times within a month. So I was told he was released from a hospital that is about 20 miles from where he roamed I thought I'd pick him up so he didn't have to walk that far. I took my elderly mom with me. So we found him he was in his state of psychosis and it was the most nerve racking disturbing experience in my life I think. So he's jumping out of the car yelling at people. He calmed down we dropped him off in his zone and his antics continued. Eventually he ended up in a rehab maybe the 3rd one released and living with some girl. He attempted suicide by taking Tylenol but quickly told someone and was taken to the hospital. Though all that I made contact with him again and he was humbled and seemed sincere about getting back on track. One of the places he was at may have given him the shot the causes meth to have no effect, not sure but I let him come home. He spent 2 months in jail for something came home was here a week and his phycosis started. I literally woke up to my digs carrying on and him talking at me a million words a second and of course I knew he was using. I panicked and called the sheriff they wouldn't remove hom so I had his friend come get him. Meantime as we were waiting on the sheriff he's saying that I'm a horrible person that he asked me for help and I snapped said You have problems because you are narcissist and don't care about anyone but yourself I went outside. My poor husband just got off of a midnight shift stayed to babysit him until the sheriff arrived. He was telling my husband that I was shining a flashlight in his room at night and that when I get cancer and I'm going through chemo I can think about him. He also texted me in the early morning while I was still sleeping that I should work for the drug task force but remember I schooled 30 of them for 2 months. He's in jail again he went with his friend something happened he was at the hospital and assaulted a security guard. He tried calling me and wrote me a letter that says please read. I'm not. I've reach the point where I'm willing to except whatever fate has to bring and I will not talk to him unless he gets completely independent and drug free. My question is: What happens to someone like this I live in small town Ohio we don't have the resources here that bigger cities have. The police and the hospitals have called me during all of this to pick him up. We are truly helpless here and without proper resources.
Hi Lexii,

I can hear your heart break and fear from all the things you have gone through to support your son the best that you could. It's terribly frightening when the psychosis presents itself. I have been there. I learned I didn't have to validate his psychosis but validate how he felt in the moment and try to use what empathy I could to bring understanding.

You and your husband have been going through this for a long time. Would you be open to going to a support group? There are many that are online now. There are Smart Recovery Meetings, Thrive meetings, or Al Anon meetings. Any of these support meetings are essential for us to not only be heard but the group will also help you process your own needs in times of great distress.

Your son is an adult and he is on the blame cycle. For your son, the resources available to him will come based on his actions. He, too can attend online meetings, or find an online therapist, if there is not one locally available. The question is, would he be interested?

You and your husband have a right to not pick him up or let him back in your house to live with you. You have a right to have a peaceful life for yourself. I know you are in pain, because you want to help your son not feel so much hurt and loneliness and so many other things. And you too, have the right to feel empowered and strong, with or without hope for your son. And radical acceptance is also ok.
If you are interested, I looked at a lot of videos on Youtube by Put the Shovel Down by Amber Hollingsworth (an addiction counselor) and it has taught me so much about addiction and the brain. There are many that will reference boundaries, communication, relationship building and motivational interviewing.