Former desparate mom
difficult child has really bad triglycerides. They are supposed to be below 150. His were over 1000. The Dr. warned he will have a heart attack in the next year or two without a doubt. He is on 3 cholesterol/triglycerided lowering medications, a healthy diet. The level dropped to 600 range in 3 months and he dropped 15 lbs. He isn't making anymore progress. I asked if he was walking a bit on the treadmill. He isn't and doesn't seem to think he will.
I'm not forcing the issue. I buy his meals that are healthy, help with the prescriptions and give him a lot of positive reinforcement.
Do I let it go and let him have a heart attack at 22? Do I hound him non stop to keep him alive and healthy?
I'm trying to walk a middle ground but it's not working.
The ultimate detachment is letting him go as he is and watch him have an MI and probably die(dr. said early MI's tend to be fatal).
What do you think?
I'm not forcing the issue. I buy his meals that are healthy, help with the prescriptions and give him a lot of positive reinforcement.
Do I let it go and let him have a heart attack at 22? Do I hound him non stop to keep him alive and healthy?
I'm trying to walk a middle ground but it's not working.
The ultimate detachment is letting him go as he is and watch him have an MI and probably die(dr. said early MI's tend to be fatal).
What do you think?