Scent of Cedar *
Well-Known Member
I fault myself. Had I been stronger, had I been willing to accept more to grow more...been more tolerant...I could have had a full relationship with my Mother. But I do not see how I could have with my sister.
Taking responsibility is how we created a sense of control I think, Copa. It was how we made sense out of chaos and kept ourselves sane. If it was somehow our fault, we could try very much harder not to create those situations again.
That was the only protection the little girls we were had, Copa.
It was that way for me too until one day, through our work here, I got through that shame based core at the heart of me enough to get a glimmering that things were not as they seemed, with my lovely family of origin.
In fact, they were not very lovely, at all.
Especially, my sister seems very not lovely to me, now that I am refusing to see her as a little girl, as a child smaller than me who needs protection.
Like learning that my mother gave my sister my grandfather's pocket watch.
Oh, I wish you'd been given your grandfather's watch, Copa. A timepiece from another time, something come of the male line.
My mother's comment near the end that my sister always pressured her for stuff, was taking stuff, wanted stuff.
My sister does that, too. I think it has something to do with delegitimizing the other sibs. It has to do with power over. There is no generosity, but much self-justification, in much of what our sisters do.
"Oh, I guess she is your mother, too."
Just lately, I have been able to realize that my relationship to my mother has nothing to do with my sister. My mother's relationship to me is as she chooses it to be.
It is empowering to see this way.
Like it or not, my relationship to my mother has nothing to do with my sister.
Why is she so vile to me? Does she see me as the hurtful one? Is all of this retribution for things she sees me to have done to her?
We have seen the true nature of Serenity's sister through the juvenile nastiness of her posts threatening Serenity, here. Do you remember the questions Serenity asked during that time, Copa?
I ask those same questions.
So do you.
The answer is: Abusers abuse because they are abusers. They blame others (you, me, a husband, a child) to manipulate themselves into power over positions, taking the mother for themselves too, if they can do it, just as my sister has done.
Just as your sister did, for all those years until your mother needed protection.
And you came home.
And you protected.
And the sister is outraged that this is so.
We can see why my sister saw me as forcing my mother to have made a choice between us to care for her, at the end. Because that was what she was doing for 50 years, vying to win over me. Why? She had my mother to herself all of those years...why did I need to be subordinated, even in absentia?
As we heal Copa, we will be more able to see clearly. Right now, just that you are asking the questions in a different way now makes me very proud for you.
Why did you need to be subordinated is less the question I think than why your sister (and mine) hate their sisters and want to devour their mothers.
I want my sister to suffer for all that she has done. That is true. I want her to gain back all of her weight. I want her to be reviled in her highfalutin job. I want her to spend all of her money.
She has tricked and hurt and shamed you, Copa. My sister has done those things, too. Serenity posted to me this morning that anger is just a part of our healing. We will come out the other side as kind and filled with integrity as we have always been.
Have at it.
And the reality, is that I have gained weight. I am not working. I am spending money on useless things and losing it on stupid investments.
Well, at least you have us.
That was a joke.
I am the one who is trapped in the past. I seem to have said, again, after a lifetime. I accept being the loser. I accept second best. I yield to you the field. Everything you wanted and needed. Take it all. And I do not know why.
I was never a gracious loser, Copa. It isn't in me to cede the field. There was a period in my healing here when I began seeing everything through a filter of what I did not have, or of what was lost. I felt stupidly naive or duped; I conceded the field. But when that happened, I no longer had to protect my sister, right? She had won everything and I had nothing, not even my own mother.
So, I was pretty sad and felt useless and ridiculous and foolish.
But then, all at once, I realized my mother's relationship to me has nothing to do with my sister. I may not like my mother's way that she sees and treats me, but it has nothing to do with my sister.
Then, I began having the coolest ability to see my sister for who she is,for who she has always been, even when we were little girls. It's like she's been after me forever. Like I am the one she's been out to supercede. That's why the picture she sent. That's why the picture in the bathroom. That's why the plaque.
That's why she stalked and hurt my daughter.
So, that is what comes next for you I think, Copa.
It's amazingly freeing.
Those two changes in perspective are amazingly freeing.
I wonder whether I will always be angry. Serenity assures me this is not so. We will be fine, Copa. You are coming through it right now.
Who cares whether you are in bed.
Maybe, that is where you feel safe enough to do your best thinking.
It is very hard to revisit old trauma without retraumatizing ourselves.
We are right here, Copa. Serenity has been through these steps. I am coming through them. You are beginning.
Freedom, a kind of freedom unimaginable to you now, is just around the next bend.
It's going to be a hard thing.
It was for me, for the longest time.
I wanted to type a few lines ago. Let Mama just come back. I will give up my life. For Mama to come back. So I can have another chance.
I wish she could come back too, Copa.
I am so sorry she is gone.