Active Member
Great to meet you too Big Bad Kitty. And thanks for adding us to your prayer list. I sure can use anything anyone is willing to do to help us. I am really feeling alone right now and this board once again is truly a God Send. I had such a rough day. husband has been doing so good with his bladder and bowel movements until our first night home. That time he wet the bed. I just chalked it up to the fact that he slept so good in our own bed. Well last night and then again this morning he has had two BM's in bed. It is very frustrating as while he was in the LTAC he was so depressed he just gave up for a while and didnt care that he was having accidents. He even asked for a protective undergarment. I dont want him to back slide and impeed his recovery. It also becomes VERY frustrating as there is nothing I can do to make this journey any easier for him. Then the anger boils up and I begin to resent how this marriage has been from the beginning due to his illnesses all of which he could have prevented if he gave a d***. Heck he is back to smoking now that he is out of the hospital. Then comes the pitty party of who the heck is going to take care of me with my health issues. I have four types of arthritis to the point that I can hardly walk anymore due to my hips. I haven't had time to heal from any of the health issues I have had to deal with due to his crap. my neck is still very painfull and the discs are still bulging. My abdomen is still infected and I know if I go back to the surgeon (if he will even see me due to the fact that I was noncompliant due to husband's stroke) he would want to do another surgery. If not it is back to wound therapy three days a week which I cant go to as I am not allowed to leave husband alone. then there is the small stuff like needing someone to hold me when I am so tired and emotionally drained I just want to cry on someone's shoulder. I have made so many sacrifices for him including sending my son across country so I can concentrate on him. I don't even know how I am going to go back to work and I have to work now to pay the bills. Then comes the guilt as this is the promise I made the day I married him in front of our friends and God. "In sickness and health" "for better or worse" "till death do you part". I mean I love him with all my heart and am very very glad we are back together but again I am the one who has had to make all the sacrifices and is responsible for everyone and everything. My oldest son who is graduating from basic training is totally upset because due to the hospital bumping up husband's discharge date I was unable to attend. He is just livid with me.
Geeze here I go again just rambling on like a crazy person. This was supposed to be a thank you post. LOL
I am sorry to be so long winded hope I didnt bore you too much.
Geeze here I go again just rambling on like a crazy person. This was supposed to be a thank you post. LOL
I am sorry to be so long winded hope I didnt bore you too much.