I feel like I look at other kids his age and wonder why it's so different? Where did he decide that our life, life choices, we're not him? We have always valued education and doing the right thing, giving back to community.
It hurts my pride, and that is something I'm learning .... I have turned it into my shame, my perceived failings as a mother. But it's not about me. I get it. I do.
Colleen, this is me right now as well. My oldest (turning 21 very soon) is in college and we pay for it, also a brilliant and gifted kid who just can't seem to stay on the right track. I thought that if he could just go to college, get a degree, at least he will have options in his life. But that was MY doing. I am the one who pushed him to get there (at the very last possible second), and although he is "getting by", I feel a spiral coming, and it's horrible.
Because of the way he acted when home on spring break recently (alcohol involved, yet again), we have told him he cannot live here this summer. And "this summer" is coming next week, when the semester ends, and I know he has made no plans, and this is going to become ugly.
My middle son (who has NEVER had any issues with anything at all, and is just a wonderful person all around) had planned to enter the military after graduation in June, but just found out he is disqualified because of a medical issue (we are trying to get a waiver), and now I am finding out that he may not even graduate because his grades are so bad (he had planned to go into the military for two years, never wanted college, and in this last year, did hardly any work at all, though he too, is extremely smart). I sat in a meeting last week with the principle and almost cried.
I too think, "what did I do wrong"? I have a Masters Degree, and a very successful career and job that I LOVE. My kids see that, they know that. So how could they end up like this? I know I have to realize that I can't MAKE them something that they are not, but I am really grieving right now, because both seem to be in a tough position at the same time (though the second one I know will be successful in life, and he probably WILL graduate, but the dream of him becoming a Marine- his dream, that I had accepted, supported, and began to look forward to seeing, is falling apart).
You are not alone, Colleen, and I think it is so much easier for me, an "outsider" to see that you should not be blaming yourselves, even when I am doing the same exact thing in my very similar situation. Crazy, I know.
I hope that maybe we can help each other through all of this. The support and "advice" from members here is so helpful to me!