I got a letter


Warrior Mom since 2007
When she is actually at school she does great. All of her teachers report that she has a very pleasant personality, she works hard, and gets good grades.

So this school so far is actually the best high school she has ever attended. The problem is getting her there.

That sounds like classic anxiety right there. Half days are not going to solve that in my opinion. It sounds like all the excuses for missing school (over slept, can't find headphones, long bath) are just that - EXCUSES. She has school anxiety and it is real. I agree with MWM, she is not just being defiant. If you enrolled her in an online K12 school, would she do it?


Well-Known Member
anonymous, that is exactly what I went through with my daughter. She couldn't handle 2 1/2 hrs in a school that was specialized for her type of issues and some others.


Well-Known Member
difficult child is the laziest person on this planet and as I've stated before, she would never ever be able to do independent study. She took one summer course two years ago and it was a nightmare. She refused to do any work and would beg me to do the work for her and give her all the answers. She absolutely has to be in a school setting. This week she has been going half days on her new schedule and has made it to school every single day. Getting up 2 hours later absolutely makes a huge difference for her. I hope the good streak continues.


Roll With It
Some people just cannot function in the morning or before a certain time. Teens are actually programmed this way biologically and it has been scientifically proven. Some teens have a much harder time in the mornings and it sounds like your daughter is one of them. I hope the later start helps her.

I hope the list I sent you helps you find an advocate to help protect both your rights and her rights. I also hope you made a formal complaint against her principal and that the woman gets fired. What she did was a felony and she has zero business being anywhere around any children in any position of authority. I feel bad for all of the children under her abuse, sorry, her authority. She clearly is NOT a role model the way a principal should be but instead is just a sick bully.