
New Member
Hello everyone,

I am so overwhelmed today. My 5yr old boy has not been officially diagnosed with any disabilty yet. I changed his doctor this month and have to wait until november 1st to make a appointment. I believe he has ADHD. His teacher called me today because he swung his lunch bag at 3 different children in the head. My husband and i was asked to come to the school for a meeting today. The Principle made out a behavior contract sighned by my 5yr old myself and his teacher. It states that he is to keep his hands to himself,Complete his classwork,Keep his inside voice(no screaming)in the classroom. If he is sent to the office on a referral for any of the above behaviors, he will immediately receive time out in the office(possible suspension)

I have been trying to educate myself about 504 and other laws that protect children but its all so confusing to me.

I live in Victorville CA. I searched for childrens advocates, but it seem we have no resources availible here.

I really need an advocate thats educated who can lead me on the right path and educate me aswell.

Your input will be GREAT!



Immediately write a let to the SD notifying them that your child most likely has a disability that impacts his ability to CONFORM TO SCHOOL RULES and make progress in the GENERAL EDUCATION Classroom. Even if the "nation" of CA, Federal law is still in force.

This will protect your child's rights while the wheels grind. The SD can then suspend for a maximum of 10 days and can NEVER expel--as in unload responsibility for your child. This protection for the cost of a certified letter is unbeatable.

You are the best and first advocate for your child. You need to become self-educated about your rights. In complicated cases, it can be very helpful to have an on-site advocate, but you can do all the initial work just by being well informed.

Even sending the above letter will let the SD know that you have read the law--or are in contact with someone who has.

There are "getting started" threads in the archives of this section of the board. Delete the references to the Parent Report." If you want to write up information, relabel in Parent Input, which by law, the SD must consider.

S law site that many have found helpful and useful is http://www.wrightslaw.com. You can register for free and get updates by email on general interpretation of the law. In addition, they sell products that are written especially for parents and advocates which in my opinion are a very good investment in advocating for your child.

I hope this helps you get started. My .02, having a 5 year old sign a contract is ridiculous. In order to follow a contract, the child needs to be TAUGHT self control. Teaching "how to be a student" is part of the KDG teacher's job. The rejection of a young child by suspension is not something that goes away and sets up a negative experience for the young child.



Hi Lynn33

Ditto Marti.

I doubt many 5 yr olds can even grasp the concept of a "contract."

There are some sample letters for requesting an evalution in the archives if you need one.

To locate an advocate, you might try http://www.yellowpagesforkids.com . If there's nothing available in your immediate area, try networking by asking places like "The Arc" if they know of someone in your area.

There are Parent and Training Information Centers across the US -- try http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=na...raining+Centers also.