Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
Remember last Feb or so when I posted about easy child's mother in law coming up with some off the wall plan for easy child and sister in law to move into her house, sell their house, so the mother in law could buy a new one?? I'd told easy child it was a bad idea from the get go, worried she was going to get reamed a good one and told her so. Did tell her that no matter what the agreement to NOT give up title to her house to her mother in law.
Thank God easy child listens to her mother, usually. She went ahead with the move remember to please her husband who wants desperately to please his mother. (which will never happen)
Now here's the crazy mixed up part. easy child was making the house payment on mother in law's old house she and her husband moved into, while the mother in law was supposed to be making easy child's house payment and the payment for mother in law's expensive new house. Fortunately easy child listened to me again and nixed this.....made her own house payment and gave mother in law the difference instead as rent. I had her do this cuz I was afraid her mother in law wouldn't make easy child's house payment (think female version only worse, of my husband).
So, of course in this market and job situation, easy child's house didn't sell. Her mother in law rented the house finally. Only turned out the renters didn't make even one rent payment and so they were evicted 2 months later. The house has stood empty for months. Which means her mother in law is having to foot the bill for 2 houses. Now I have to laugh as her mother in law can't afford the payment for one house......good thing I had easy child making her own house payment.
Now that you're completely confused..........LOL
easy child's mother in law calls today and tells sister in law that she needs sister in law and his brother each to sell their houses. Seems sils brother wants to buy mother in law's house and live there. And of course this leaves sister in law and easy child out in the cold. I know it's mixed up but you have to understand this woman's logic..........
easy child tromped on it with Mom's words ringing in her ears. She's furious and told sister in law no way in hades are they gonna do that. In the first place they aren't in a position where they can buy a new house yet. (that student loan they co-signed for isn't paid yet)
So easy child shot back with her own Deal. She gave her mother in law a choice: 1. sister in law's bro tries to sell his house. (good luck buster, I've seen it) And mother in law gives them a year to get out from under the loan they co-signed for before making them move. Or ....... 2. easy child and sister in law move back into the home they own, mother in law gives back all the brand new appliances she talked the kids into giving her and they have no more to do with her at all.
easy child is leaning heavily toward number 2. Actually, I think she's already made up her mind.
She is so furious and hurt, though, that I wish my prediction hadn't come to pass. sister in law's Mom favors her other boys over sister in law and always has. The boy is the only decent kid she has......and she's too stupid to see it, doesn't appreciate him at all and treats him like dung under her shoe. She's a spoiled brat who's parents always gave her her way.......and still hand her money to constantly bail her out of the financial trouble she gets herself into. Selfish witch.
easy child had almost backed out of moving into her mother in law's house cuz her instincts were telling her not too. Now she wishes she'd listened to them and to me. Poor sister in law......he only wanted to please his Mom.......and he's stuck in the middle with 2 furious women. Unfortunately for him......easy child will win. She's her mother's daughter.
I think these 2 kids are gonna learn all of life's lessons the hard way.
Thank God easy child listens to her mother, usually. She went ahead with the move remember to please her husband who wants desperately to please his mother. (which will never happen)
Now here's the crazy mixed up part. easy child was making the house payment on mother in law's old house she and her husband moved into, while the mother in law was supposed to be making easy child's house payment and the payment for mother in law's expensive new house. Fortunately easy child listened to me again and nixed this.....made her own house payment and gave mother in law the difference instead as rent. I had her do this cuz I was afraid her mother in law wouldn't make easy child's house payment (think female version only worse, of my husband).
So, of course in this market and job situation, easy child's house didn't sell. Her mother in law rented the house finally. Only turned out the renters didn't make even one rent payment and so they were evicted 2 months later. The house has stood empty for months. Which means her mother in law is having to foot the bill for 2 houses. Now I have to laugh as her mother in law can't afford the payment for one house......good thing I had easy child making her own house payment.
Now that you're completely confused..........LOL
easy child's mother in law calls today and tells sister in law that she needs sister in law and his brother each to sell their houses. Seems sils brother wants to buy mother in law's house and live there. And of course this leaves sister in law and easy child out in the cold. I know it's mixed up but you have to understand this woman's logic..........
easy child tromped on it with Mom's words ringing in her ears. She's furious and told sister in law no way in hades are they gonna do that. In the first place they aren't in a position where they can buy a new house yet. (that student loan they co-signed for isn't paid yet)
So easy child shot back with her own Deal. She gave her mother in law a choice: 1. sister in law's bro tries to sell his house. (good luck buster, I've seen it) And mother in law gives them a year to get out from under the loan they co-signed for before making them move. Or ....... 2. easy child and sister in law move back into the home they own, mother in law gives back all the brand new appliances she talked the kids into giving her and they have no more to do with her at all.
easy child is leaning heavily toward number 2. Actually, I think she's already made up her mind.
She is so furious and hurt, though, that I wish my prediction hadn't come to pass. sister in law's Mom favors her other boys over sister in law and always has. The boy is the only decent kid she has......and she's too stupid to see it, doesn't appreciate him at all and treats him like dung under her shoe. She's a spoiled brat who's parents always gave her her way.......and still hand her money to constantly bail her out of the financial trouble she gets herself into. Selfish witch.
easy child had almost backed out of moving into her mother in law's house cuz her instincts were telling her not too. Now she wishes she'd listened to them and to me. Poor sister in law......he only wanted to please his Mom.......and he's stuck in the middle with 2 furious women. Unfortunately for him......easy child will win. She's her mother's daughter.

I think these 2 kids are gonna learn all of life's lessons the hard way.