call 911
Thank you ladies for your well wishes and your cards and Tia - the flowers and bear are so lovely it was the bright spot of the week! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING. I'm sure the wishes helped cause here I am typing.
I have what I am calling S.M.U.T. since I was diganosed with all three on the same day and have tracked down how I got all three - this is what I have named my afflicition.
S. - Strep (believe it or not I was cajoled into taking a drink from a public water fountain)
M. - Mono (used Dudes throat spray from when he had Mono) - actually the doctor said it was more like an incubator /breeder for disease - nice to know
U. - Ugly -(because this entire thing has left me just feeling crummy and mean)
T. - Tetanus - It is still very prevalent and I want you all to listen very seriously to what I was told by my doctor about this due to the times we are living in.
I know how I got the Strep - Water fountains should be outlawed. I haven't for nearly 15 years taken a drink from one. But I was shopping, ran out of water and figured if I sprayed the dang thing with my pocket lysol I'd be safe. Nope - Strep.
Mono - Here's a BIG tip. When Dude got that really bad Mono in November with the vomiting and sore throat (he lost nearly 25 lbs in 2 weeks) and was so sick? I got him cloraseptic throat spray. He used it twice. TWICE.'s a tip from my doctor. THROW IT OUT AFTER USE. GERMS get on the applicator tip and when you put that tip on? Instant incubator. I had no idea. At some point he either touched it to his mouth, or coughted or something.....needless to say - I thought it was okay. From now on - toss it. There is no way to sterilize it. Whoda thunk?
Tetanus can be fatal. Okay we've all probably heard about lock jaw. Step on a rusty nail the first thing everyone says is "when did you have your last tetanus shot?" the standard by gone question has been 'Was it in the last 10 (TEN) years?'
Imagine my shock when they asked me if I had been given a tetanus shot in the last THREE years? My blood test had come back positive for mild tetanus. I had punctured the heel of my hand on a tiny, tiny nail in a second hand store.....AND IMMEDIATELY washed it, wiped it out with alcohol, put neosporin on it and covered it with a bandaid and put gloves back on my hands. ----IMMEDIATELY...(that's also when I took a drink out of that fountain) nice....
The doctor went on to tell me while I was getting an IMMEDIATE Tetanus WITH Whooping Cough booster (which floored me) that in recent years - with the influx of immigrants from all over the world - Whooping Cough (Pertussis) has been on the rise in outbreak numbers. Has anyone noticed the recent commercials by the CDC with the coughing baby and the mom? yeah - Well.....that's why. Immigrants did not have the Whooping cough or tetanus vaccines we all did or that most of us gave our children as babies....some never gave their kids innoculations at all.
So....there are a whole new crop of diseases that at one time were nearly wiped out in the US...and are now coming back in full force. SO if you haven't had a tetanus with Whooping cough booster in the last THREE to FIVE years? GET ONE ASAP. My doctor got one the same day I did as a matter of fact.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of sickness and plague....(oh gosh I should hush my mouth that could be next) but I'm very serious about the Tetanus shot. GO NOW. Especially if you live in an area that has a heavy influx of immigrants.
I'm still very, very puny, I get tired so easy it's not funny. My mind says GO GO GO and my body literally just goes - PFLLLLLLLT. SIT.....LAY.....ZZZZZZZZZ. It's annoying. I have things I want to do and well.....I have a whole new respect for that spoon analogy Witz posted. Stick a fork in me sister - I'm done.
Thank you again for the well wishes.
Wishing Soon I will be SMUT free......
Starbie the Sickly Barbie
She comes with a containment suit, lysol wipes, lysol spray, lysol hand sanitizer, lysol gel, clorox, clorox wipes, do not enter signs, skull and cross bone signs, antibiotics....OH YEAH.....about that....(smirk) ----put yer drinks down.....
FYI - When the doctor told me about the tetanus she said she'd get me a prescription....Oky dokey. Good. So she is writing something and she likes to give you information so she says "You know...the cure for tetanus is the same cure for vaginitis." I kinda sat there for a minute and had this puzzled look on my face and I thought, and I thought and I looked at her and I said in a questioning voice "So you're telling me I have to put suppositories up my hoo-ha because I have tetanus?" She almost fell off her stool and after she stiffled a chuckle she said "Um no." then I said "Well isn't that the cure for know? Cause I've never had that." and she laughed and Said "No I'll give you a prescription for pills." Man was I relieved. ....The pills you swallow. Good for me too cause one of them is big enough to choke a horse. But yeah.....who would have thought one thing fixes the other? Good thing too - cause men would just die.
Anyway - gals - you have a great day. I'll be on when I can stay on longer.
Hugs & Love - from far, far, and hermedically sealed away.....
I have what I am calling S.M.U.T. since I was diganosed with all three on the same day and have tracked down how I got all three - this is what I have named my afflicition.
S. - Strep (believe it or not I was cajoled into taking a drink from a public water fountain)
M. - Mono (used Dudes throat spray from when he had Mono) - actually the doctor said it was more like an incubator /breeder for disease - nice to know
U. - Ugly -(because this entire thing has left me just feeling crummy and mean)
T. - Tetanus - It is still very prevalent and I want you all to listen very seriously to what I was told by my doctor about this due to the times we are living in.
I know how I got the Strep - Water fountains should be outlawed. I haven't for nearly 15 years taken a drink from one. But I was shopping, ran out of water and figured if I sprayed the dang thing with my pocket lysol I'd be safe. Nope - Strep.
Mono - Here's a BIG tip. When Dude got that really bad Mono in November with the vomiting and sore throat (he lost nearly 25 lbs in 2 weeks) and was so sick? I got him cloraseptic throat spray. He used it twice. TWICE.'s a tip from my doctor. THROW IT OUT AFTER USE. GERMS get on the applicator tip and when you put that tip on? Instant incubator. I had no idea. At some point he either touched it to his mouth, or coughted or something.....needless to say - I thought it was okay. From now on - toss it. There is no way to sterilize it. Whoda thunk?
Tetanus can be fatal. Okay we've all probably heard about lock jaw. Step on a rusty nail the first thing everyone says is "when did you have your last tetanus shot?" the standard by gone question has been 'Was it in the last 10 (TEN) years?'
Imagine my shock when they asked me if I had been given a tetanus shot in the last THREE years? My blood test had come back positive for mild tetanus. I had punctured the heel of my hand on a tiny, tiny nail in a second hand store.....AND IMMEDIATELY washed it, wiped it out with alcohol, put neosporin on it and covered it with a bandaid and put gloves back on my hands. ----IMMEDIATELY...(that's also when I took a drink out of that fountain) nice....
The doctor went on to tell me while I was getting an IMMEDIATE Tetanus WITH Whooping Cough booster (which floored me) that in recent years - with the influx of immigrants from all over the world - Whooping Cough (Pertussis) has been on the rise in outbreak numbers. Has anyone noticed the recent commercials by the CDC with the coughing baby and the mom? yeah - Well.....that's why. Immigrants did not have the Whooping cough or tetanus vaccines we all did or that most of us gave our children as babies....some never gave their kids innoculations at all.
So....there are a whole new crop of diseases that at one time were nearly wiped out in the US...and are now coming back in full force. SO if you haven't had a tetanus with Whooping cough booster in the last THREE to FIVE years? GET ONE ASAP. My doctor got one the same day I did as a matter of fact.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of sickness and plague....(oh gosh I should hush my mouth that could be next) but I'm very serious about the Tetanus shot. GO NOW. Especially if you live in an area that has a heavy influx of immigrants.
I'm still very, very puny, I get tired so easy it's not funny. My mind says GO GO GO and my body literally just goes - PFLLLLLLLT. SIT.....LAY.....ZZZZZZZZZ. It's annoying. I have things I want to do and well.....I have a whole new respect for that spoon analogy Witz posted. Stick a fork in me sister - I'm done.
Thank you again for the well wishes.
Wishing Soon I will be SMUT free......
Starbie the Sickly Barbie
She comes with a containment suit, lysol wipes, lysol spray, lysol hand sanitizer, lysol gel, clorox, clorox wipes, do not enter signs, skull and cross bone signs, antibiotics....OH YEAH.....about that....(smirk) ----put yer drinks down.....
FYI - When the doctor told me about the tetanus she said she'd get me a prescription....Oky dokey. Good. So she is writing something and she likes to give you information so she says "You know...the cure for tetanus is the same cure for vaginitis." I kinda sat there for a minute and had this puzzled look on my face and I thought, and I thought and I looked at her and I said in a questioning voice "So you're telling me I have to put suppositories up my hoo-ha because I have tetanus?" She almost fell off her stool and after she stiffled a chuckle she said "Um no." then I said "Well isn't that the cure for know? Cause I've never had that." and she laughed and Said "No I'll give you a prescription for pills." Man was I relieved. ....The pills you swallow. Good for me too cause one of them is big enough to choke a horse. But yeah.....who would have thought one thing fixes the other? Good thing too - cause men would just die.
Anyway - gals - you have a great day. I'll be on when I can stay on longer.
Hugs & Love - from far, far, and hermedically sealed away.....