I lost control..


Well-Known Member
How's it going today, Kjs? I rarely have 2 days like that in a row, so I'm assuming it works that way for you, too.
Good luck.

How are things going for you today? I'm hoping that it is a much better day for you all. I , for one, have lost it with difficult child more times than I would ever care to remember. In spite of myself, I keep/expecting, wanting him to be more like easy child. My difficult child is highly anxious, quirky, and so worried about drawing attention to himself. He only wants his 504 plan when it helps keep him out of trouble - otherwise he wants to pretend it doesn't exist. Seeing a pattern here? He and I are both heavily into denial - it's just so seductive...

Because of his anxiety and quirkiness we have don't have him in the challenging classes. He's bright enough but he literally just can't do it on a day to day basis. Since we've given that all up our life at home is oh, so much better. Maybe this could help you all as well. I'm sure there are those who think we're letting him slack or we are spoiling him, or not preparing him for the real world. But we just have to do what we know is truly best for him.

You both are in my thoughts and prayers. Many, many hugs for you both!!!


Things are better. difficult child and I talked after my meeting on Tuesday. We discussed what the teachers concerns are and what his are.

Wednesday I had class all day, and work at night. Was home for a few hours. He talked about the good time he had with the Special Education teacher and looks forward to the next meeting. He worked on homework the entire time. Wrote another paper about his brother leaving him. (when he went to college - 6 years ago) He fell asleep on the floor.

I know I did wrong. And husband does choose to pretend things don't happen. I do try to talk to difficult child. We both talked about the two of us trying to control our anger.

Same here as far as IEP. Doesn't want to use it. Yet.

Thanks for the replies. I really needed them.


Active Member
Sounds like a positive resolution to the whole thing. Here's hoping difficult child is going to be more willing to work with his Special Education teacher, even if it's in some other way. The guy sounds really good, from your other thread.
