I NEED to kill you


Well-Known Member
Big hugs. It's so sad that having the SW realize that we are not safe with our children at home is something that gives us comfort. I hope that Kanga will get the help she needs.


Here we go again!
Sending prayers that your family will know peace for a while, that Kanga gets the help she so desperately needs, that your hearts heal in time. I'm so sorry for what you've had to endure -- she is very lucky to have you fighting so hard for her, as impossible as it must feel.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
I'm so very glad that kanga showed the extent of her illness while still in the phospital, JJJ.

Take a deep breath & get through that paperwork. I know what a pain it is. Don't forget to keep copies of the entire application - from all the doctors, SWs, tdocs, etc. It's invaluable to have in the future.



Active Member
Sorry I haven't been around. I'm REALLY sorry that you're going through all of this. I wish there was a magic wand that I could wave to make it go away.

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,



New Member
What state are you in? In Texas there are many sources and funds available for after care adoptions. Even if you have never asked for them before. Also, there is an excellent treatment facility here close to Austin but the kids who go there must have average to above average IQ's. They are private pay and/or insurance only. E-mail me if you'Learning Disability (LD) like more info.


New Member
So sorry that you had to hear her talk that way but its good that the staff heard it and are seeing what really goes on. At age 9, my daughter told me that she wished someone would murder me so that I would be dead...this was over losing the privileges to play with her Barbies because she was rude to someone else. She's also one that is never at fault..its always the fault of someone else and I think she truly believes it. Anyway, sending thoughts and prayers out to you and you all work on the giant mounds of paperwork and hoping she'll get a very throrough evaluation. and that it will answer some questions for you all.


Well-Known Member
JJJ, bittersweat is a good word to describe this situation. I think you are right in taking a break from talking to Kanga right now. I'm sorry that her words are so hurtful, but I think it's good that she showed herself so help can begin.

Lots of hugs.


hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Sending continued thoughts and prayers. I'm so thankful that this came out in that environment for all to see and that you and the rest of your family are safe. Hugs to you jjj.


New Member
You all are in my prayers, what a nightmare. You have been amazing the way you have handled all of this, Go Warrior Mom. Wish "they" would have heard what you were saying... but Kanga did a good job of letting them see the problem.


Active Member
Just talked to Kanga's therapist, she reaffirmed what I have believed for a while. Tigger is a good kid and that a lot of his 'psychiatric issues' were a response to Kanga. She said she sees the meanness in Kanga - something so few people get. The good thing is she has increased hope for Tigger. We are rearranging bedrooms so that each child at home has their own. The idea is to let them 'see' that she really is gone for a while.
JJJ, your story is so touching me. My heart is truly breaking for each of your kids.

I am praying really hard that only good comes of this.


New Member
Its so good that the therapist "gets it". Thats always been our problem too....so few people "get it".
Peacefull thoughts coming your way.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness she revealed this now and not after being home!

I am so happy for your household to be safe! It is a blessing. For all. Even Kanga. Just imagine if she did cause harm and had to live with that for the rest of her life.