I received this text message from my daughter regarding my deceased son.


Well-Known Member
From my daughter to me regarding a text an old online friend of Jarod’s sent to her for me…

Hey mama (my daughter), I was sent a message from one of Jarod’s old buddies. He wanted me to send this message along. I cried a bunch through it so make sure you are in a state of mind to accept what you’re reading and to feel the love that was poured into this letter…

Hi Mrs. ……..

I just found out about Jarod's death in late December last year. I only know Jarod from online, and I can't say I was close friends or anything like that, but he has left a huge impression. I met him back in 2015 on a chatroom and we had a good time connecting, he was always a good leader and provoker of deep philosophic conversation, and I was very curious about his ability to be so popular with and charm women, so we talked a bit, and he was really fond of a story I had of witnessing a UFO, he got me to repeat it to others multiple times. After January, 2016 we went our own ways, but I talked with him again briefly in November of 2016 when he was homeless in Boulder, Colorado. He gave me your phone number to send you a message about loving his kids, as the temperature that night was dropping to -25 or something insane and it seemed possible he'd freeze to death, but then I just used the number to nag you to send him some money. To be honest I didn't fully understand the situation at the time.

Anyway Jarod was a really beautiful person, as someone else once pointed out, he had the exterior of a Texan 'alpha male', oozing with charm (I actually saw him and referred to him as a sort of real life 'Sawyer', the "sexy bad boy" from the TV show LOST), but on the inside he was really pretty soft, dreamy, ethereal, full of love and the longing for love, he valued freedom and dignity and he was just a genuinely beautiful 'old soul', struggling to find meaning and love. He was pretty stereotypically Piscean in that he really didn't fit in with the profane 9-5 wageslavery quad-vaxxed overly-compliant podperson world, and he was constantly disappointed in it, I know the feeling. He was really, REALLY about "love", so it's sad that he struggled for so long with isolation and things like that. In March 2018 I checked up on him and he seemed to be doing fine, although I thought he had gone a bit 'koolade' with the religious stuff, I thought he was back on track so I sort of left him to his devices, thinking he'd be fine. I spotted him on a therapy site I'd recommended to him towards the end of 2018, he was on there as a listener helping people, I could see that he had already helped quite a few. If I'd known he was struggling like this I would have dedicated lots of time to trying to help him, but unfortunately I thought he was doing fine so I sort of left him to his life.

Interestingly I was able to determine exactly where I was and what I was doing in the hour that he died (using time zone converters, as I live on the other side of the planet). I went to the effort because I've always been curious about the possibility of weird synchronicities, like I was half wondering if maybe when he died I had thought of him suddenly and made a note of it - but I was disappointed to find that I'd just been watching a movie called 'Synchronic', which I didn't even really like that much. On second thought, though, I realised that there were some weird synchroncities - besides the movie title, the movie is about seeing 'time' and reality from a higher or transcendent perspective, that we are all much closer in some ways than we might imagine. There's also a quote that stood out to me, the movie quotes from a letter Einstein wrote after the death of a friend, "Now he has departed this strange world a little ahead of me. This means nothing. People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly presistent illusion".

I can't really claim to 100% know what Jarod would say right now but I fully BELIEVE based on my experience of him that if Jarod could speak through me he'd tell you to be at peace, not to stress, not to feel sad - he's fine. He would also definitely send his love to his children. He was really proud of them, he showed off pictures of them to me back in 2015 and every time I saw him afterwards, they are really beautiful kids. I believe he would acknowledge that he had many failings, and ask forgiveness for not being there as much as he could, but many factors beyond his control made it hard, and he'd tell them to believe in themselves, in love, and in the wisdom of our creator who sometimes gives us a pretty shitty time in this world, but this is all a part of a process leading to greater love, and that ultimately we don't need to fear anything.

Goodbye and best wishes

P.S. Jarod loved connecting with music, so here's some music I listened to while remembering my friend Jarod.

- YouTube

This text message meant a lot to me as I know my son Jarod touched lives. I have shared this with his children who are beginning to want to know more about their dad through my eyes. One of his friends from California told me that I was the love of his life. ❤️

Miss my son everyday till we see each other again.
This is just absolutely beautiful. God bless this person who took the time to reach out with such a loving and meaningful message. Wow. I believe in everything he's saying and truly think your son just spoke to you (and his kids) from Heaven through him.

Sending you and your family love and hugs.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Momma Tried. I was very close to Jarod. More so than my other two even.
He had a heart of gold. Unfortunately he couldn’t adjust to the demands of the world. And he wouldn’t stop using drugs no matter what. I know he is no longer suffering. He is at peace now. No longer homeless or addicted. So that gives me some comfort through my grief.

Thank God for my husband, my grandchildren, my daughter, and all the wonderful people here on our board who cared about me and prayed for me after my son died.

I am mostly at peace now. I just have to learn to accept people for who they are and not expect change. I give a lot in my family and tend to not get the same in return.
Of course they will tell me they love me all day long. But actions speak louder than words.

Thanks for reaching out to me Momma Tried.
Hugs and love back,


Well-Known Member
Wow, lms. What a guy.

I remember I sent you a message after Jarod's death and I said something like he was too beautiful and too gifted and sensitive for this world. It looks like others felt the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for reading and for the hugs KTM. Hugs and love back to you.

Copa…I remember what you said to me after Jarod died. How he touched you so.
He was a very unique individual. Very special. I’m sorry he couldn’t meet the demands of this world and beat his addiction. But God must’ve needed him in Heaven more.

I’m glad my son touched so many lives in such a loving way before he died. I was proud of him for his heart. His brother makes millions now but didn’t even go to Jarod’s funeral. I have very little respect for the living son I have left.

Interesting that one of Jarod’s children, his youngest, brought me a signed football from Jay Novechek in a case that our oldest son had gotten from a football camp once as a child. She said, her daddy, Jarod once found it in our garage and it was with a bunch of stuff we were going to throw out. Jarod took the football in its case and saved it for his older brother to give to him one day.
Jarod’s little girl looked at me and said, my daddy would want me to give this football to his older brother and to let him know that her daddy forgives him.

Like I said, Jarod had a heart of gold. I pray he’s happy in Heaven and still touching lives with his.


LMS, what a lovely piece of writing honoring your precious Jarod. He sounds like a real philosopher; someone who would have made a great minister or spiritual counselor. I think sometimes there are those people who are just too sensitive for this world, their lives are cut short, and it is truly the world’s loss.

Thank you for sharing it with us. And I loved the way your daughter showed such sensitivity about whether to share it with you. I’m glad she did.

I give a lot in my family and tend to not get the same in return.
Of course they will tell me they love me all day long. But actions speak louder than words.
Oh dear—the story of my (family) life! Lol

Love and hugs!