It's trying to figure out how it happened and fix it that keeps us trapped.
This is a futile experience Cedar. It doesn't matter. What would we do if we knew......blame someone, blame ourselves....... We'll likely never know and we certainly can't fix it. I think part of acceptance is accepting that this is our life, this is what is, not only with our kids, but simply what we've been given in this life. I think here's where the perceptual shifts occur...........for instance I watched a group discussion where folks who had cancer and healed from it discussed their journeys. Whether you believe it was a spontaneous healing or God's will, or medical science triumphed, the bottom line was that every single one of these people at one point in their journey began to shift their perception from this sucks to this is a "gift." Every single one of them used that word, a "gift." It changed their lives in ways that they began to recognize their lives needed to change. I am not saying this is right or wrong or anything, just reporting what I observed. I thought it was very interesting. A perceptual shift.
And, just today I was talking to a woman who is going through some major upheaval in her life. She said to me, "this is a gift. This has prompted me to go deeper, to learn more, to allow this to take me somewhere I've never been before."
As I've mentioned before, I look at life's struggles as a lesson...........I unravel it from that perspective, looking for what I need to learn. I've observed that over time as I begin to see the lesson for what it truly is and I learn it, it dissipates. That's how I've approached this process with my daughter, that it had something to teach's been filled with great learning for me, so many changes, so many new thoughts, so much has NOT BEEN EASY, but it has been rich with learning. I am a different person then I was just a few years many ways I feel that if I can learn to let go of the attachments I have with my daughter, if I can learn to accept her the way she shows up, then, really, I can do anything. This is the hardest thing I've ever, ever, ever had to do or thought I would ever do.........and, for all intents and purposes, I'm doing it.
I believe most parents never have to let go of their beautiful illusions regarding their children. That is why they call it mother love.
I completely agree with you Cedar. And, we here do have to let go of our illusions. And, it sucks. However, once we have that illusionectomy, we are able to see clearly in all areas, not just with our kids.............. our hearts are more opened because the kind of sorrow we face here blows the heart wide open..........and we can have compassion for another without stepping in to "save" them thereby NOT creating a one-up position for ourselves...............and we've learned to love without attachment............without expectation............without guilt.........without judgement...........without fear..............those parents with their illusions don't have to learn any of that..............and perhaps they are lucky in their blindness, but I don't believe that to be beats us all up, no one escapes that, but some of us can stand up and say I loved fully and without reservation, without fear............illusions require work to hold it together...........when you let go, there is nothing to hold on to, you're free...........
I am an avid believer in the Buddhist concept of our suffering being caused by our attachments.............. and how we feel about our kids has got to be an extremely huge attachment to SO much, their achievements, their happiness, their lifestyle, their choices, their education, the way they turned out as people who are kind, giving, smart, funny............on it goes. I've had to let go of ALL of that .........and then some. All of it. And, then some. Way hard. And yet..............freeing...........relief..........comfort............deep breathing........release of worry and anxiety about how it is supposed to be, how it should's over.
Inner peace, in my opinion, comes when we allow...............we simply allow life.........we don't have preconceived ideas about how it is supposed to be or should be, it just is and whatever shows up, we allow it to blow through us and breathe it in and let it go. I am not talking about violence or abuse.............that is not okay, I am talking about what we cannot control, what we try to control, what we have to control out of our own fears............
I am slipping in to all of this now..........I may not be verbalizing it clearly, I don't know..........I'm trying to describe a new kind of sense I have now.............and clearly, I learned this from this process with my daughter............
Here is an analogy that may make this of my brothers is a pilot and years ago we used to fly his small plane around for fun. Before lift off, I would be sitting in the plane as he walked around doing the final pilot check. At that point, this two seater plane was tethered to the ground by large cables as the engine was running. One time I was watching my brother do his check, waiting to take off and I thought to myself, "gee, this is how my life is, I am ready to take off, but I am stuck tethered to the ground." At that point in my life, with so much family responsibility, that felt so real.
Well, recently, if I use that same analogy, those cables are now falling away.
The cables in my story are attachments, fear, control, guilt, expectations, judgement, our need to have life show up the way we want it to, or need it to.............
My daughter didn't show up the way I wanted her to. There are a million ways I can respond to that. The choice I continue to make is to open to what is ...............and to accept.
Somewhere in the deepest heart of me, I do blame myself for the addictions. Bad genetics, or that I wasn't able to protect my children the way other parents must have been able to teach and protect theirs.
I know. I understand why we do that. But it is wrong thinking, there is no blame. All of those books I read by Chodron really emphasize blame of ourselves and others is a way we try to find a ground to stand on when the ground we stand on disappears or shakes or blows up. Don't do it Cedar. You did your best. That's all any of us can do. It's over, they are grown now. With all our real and imagined wrong doings, they are whole and complete human beings on their own journey.............let it go. Let it go. Blame means punishment..........let it go. You didn't do anything wrong. No one here did. We are human, we make mistakes.........we correct them and move on, we don't spend the rest of our lives correcting our kids.........that's their job now.
You pass the baton on to them, they run the rest of the race, not us. Let it go.
I am not able to forgive myself for what happened to my kids
It's time to forgive yourself. Remember that profound experience you had when you forgave the man who beat up your daughter? Well, you deserve that forgiveness too, you deserve your own forgiveness for all that you did and didn't do.......and for it not turning out the way you wanted.............well, it turned out the way it did, your son is away on his journey and as you said, your daughter is adventuring...............there is nothing for you to forgive yourself across the board for all real and imagined wrongdoings, for everything.........because like me and everyone here, you did the very best you could and's over. It's time to move on. It's time to let go. It's time to forgive yourself and allow yourself to feel that profound relief to know you are free of the burden of self blame. Let it go Cedar.
There is permission there to choose freedom from all of this. The thing is? I wanted, and worked for, so much more.
But what you wanted and worked for is that illusion..........the Ozzie and Harriet one really lives that, those illusions are born out of our childhood dreams of something more then what we have as children, especially if we grow up in dysfunctional families............those illusions are killers Cedar.........we can't maintain them........they are not real...............everyone struggles and has sorrow.......some more then others.......... it is just time to let go of that illusion and all the disappointments that created for you..............time to look behind you and release the past with love................and turn your sight to this moment right now..........where everything is really, quite okay. And, if it isn't, then change what you can and let go of the rest. (The serenity prayer............)
It's time for us to be on our own journey like your son, to go adventuring, like your daughter, to be free to do whatever it is that you want to do...........
Let's do it.