New Member
MD's, BMS provider, Home Base provider, and both kids.
Both difficult child and easy child had their 'required' annual this morning. The BMS, Home base therapist, and psychiatric office required it, so I complied (once again). First the boys did everything to sabotage this morning and we got to the pediatrician's late. Then the front desk person and nurse kept asking for their shot records, for their medication records, for ALL the F'g forms I had filled out and signed before. ALL of that was missing out of their files.........ALL. Then difficult child and easy child were completely out of control while we were there with the pediatrician (for 2 hours). COMPLETELY. All of the following in the exam room with the pediatrician there trying to talk to me, and exam the 2 of them: running around playing chase and tag, standing of the exam table and jumping off, standing on chairs, jumping for the mobile hanging from the ceiling, swimming across the floor, crawling into the space under the table, throwing magazines and books at each other, screaming and laughing uncontrollably, tearing up magazines, hitting kicking shoving each other, cussing, telling me off when I tell them the consquences of their actions once they hit #3 again & again & again, tearing up the paper on the table, playing with the pediatrician's computer, and then when I put one kid on a chair the other one jumps off the table and stands behind me and tries to hit or tag the other, so I then take that kid and put him in the corner and the other one gets up to tag the other, so I pick up that kid and put in on the table and the other one leaves the corner to tag the other, so I put that kid on the chair and the other one jumps off the table to tag the other. THIS WENT ON FOR 2 F'G HOURS, and the pediatrician just watched calm as can be. The two of them went through 1,2,3 = consequence every second!!!!!!!!!!! SO THEY ARE GROUNDED TODAY AND TONIGHT!!!! I called the BMS and Home Base therapist to tell them that tonighg the boys will NOT be joining us in the visit. I told both schools, and babysitter and BMS person that they are NOT allowed to watch TV, play with toys, play with kids, go outside, etc........THEY ARE GROUNDED, and I don't give a flying flip if someone disagrees with me. THey both had a hundred warnings and chances to get under control so that pediatrician could examine them and then talk to me. I spent all that time being tag teamed and I have no idea what the pediatrician said,..NONE! He did say and I was like 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME", he said that this behavior that he was watching was NORMAL age behavior for boys. Boys are active, hyper etc. And that they are growing boys. I told him that I remember boys who could at sit and wait quietly when their mother told them too. These two laughed at me, cussed at me, telling me I'm a jerk and that they hate me when ever they received another consquence. I"M AM SO
I also went off on the Home base provider/case worker because difficult child had ANOTHER bad report from the BMS person yesterday, and I told her that I didn't think this provided was working. difficult child had much better results with easy child's preschool/babysitter lady, etc, etc. etc.
I also told them that I'm tired of having to discuss and ask the same thing over and over and over again. I told her if you want me to go postal then one thing you do is make me rehash the same
over and over again with no resolution what so ever. I am the type of person who puts it on the list, research it, discuss, and work on it, and resolve it.....Period!!! But for months now I have been going over the same stuff, and asking the same questions with no answers coming back.
I also went off on them becuase I'm tired of difficult child and easy child coming home with sugar stuff. I have told EVERYONE, that my kids are not allowed sugar and dye...period. I have changed our eating. I bake our own bread, I make our own yogart, I cook from scratch, and then to have them come home with something from the cooking class that's sugary are something processed I'm like getting really
. I finally told someone that the next time they are given sugar then THAT person will be left with them to deal with the craziness that it produces!!! They just looked at me.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so mad and just want to pummel something.
That's for the vent.
Both difficult child and easy child had their 'required' annual this morning. The BMS, Home base therapist, and psychiatric office required it, so I complied (once again). First the boys did everything to sabotage this morning and we got to the pediatrician's late. Then the front desk person and nurse kept asking for their shot records, for their medication records, for ALL the F'g forms I had filled out and signed before. ALL of that was missing out of their files.........ALL. Then difficult child and easy child were completely out of control while we were there with the pediatrician (for 2 hours). COMPLETELY. All of the following in the exam room with the pediatrician there trying to talk to me, and exam the 2 of them: running around playing chase and tag, standing of the exam table and jumping off, standing on chairs, jumping for the mobile hanging from the ceiling, swimming across the floor, crawling into the space under the table, throwing magazines and books at each other, screaming and laughing uncontrollably, tearing up magazines, hitting kicking shoving each other, cussing, telling me off when I tell them the consquences of their actions once they hit #3 again & again & again, tearing up the paper on the table, playing with the pediatrician's computer, and then when I put one kid on a chair the other one jumps off the table and stands behind me and tries to hit or tag the other, so I then take that kid and put him in the corner and the other one gets up to tag the other, so I pick up that kid and put in on the table and the other one leaves the corner to tag the other, so I put that kid on the chair and the other one jumps off the table to tag the other. THIS WENT ON FOR 2 F'G HOURS, and the pediatrician just watched calm as can be. The two of them went through 1,2,3 = consequence every second!!!!!!!!!!! SO THEY ARE GROUNDED TODAY AND TONIGHT!!!! I called the BMS and Home Base therapist to tell them that tonighg the boys will NOT be joining us in the visit. I told both schools, and babysitter and BMS person that they are NOT allowed to watch TV, play with toys, play with kids, go outside, etc........THEY ARE GROUNDED, and I don't give a flying flip if someone disagrees with me. THey both had a hundred warnings and chances to get under control so that pediatrician could examine them and then talk to me. I spent all that time being tag teamed and I have no idea what the pediatrician said,..NONE! He did say and I was like 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME", he said that this behavior that he was watching was NORMAL age behavior for boys. Boys are active, hyper etc. And that they are growing boys. I told him that I remember boys who could at sit and wait quietly when their mother told them too. These two laughed at me, cussed at me, telling me I'm a jerk and that they hate me when ever they received another consquence. I"M AM SO

I also went off on the Home base provider/case worker because difficult child had ANOTHER bad report from the BMS person yesterday, and I told her that I didn't think this provided was working. difficult child had much better results with easy child's preschool/babysitter lady, etc, etc. etc.
I also told them that I'm tired of having to discuss and ask the same thing over and over and over again. I told her if you want me to go postal then one thing you do is make me rehash the same

I also went off on them becuase I'm tired of difficult child and easy child coming home with sugar stuff. I have told EVERYONE, that my kids are not allowed sugar and dye...period. I have changed our eating. I bake our own bread, I make our own yogart, I cook from scratch, and then to have them come home with something from the cooking class that's sugary are something processed I'm like getting really

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so mad and just want to pummel something.
That's for the vent.