Welcome Lila!
Insomnia should be my first, middle and last name. I have lived with it for many years. I have tried everything . Even prescription Ambien does not work. I am currently trying prescription Trazodone, an old trycyclic antidepressant. It is pretty harmless compared to the other prescription medications. The
best over the counter is a combination of melatonin, L-triptophan and valerian root capsules. They are cheap and all but the valerian occur naturally in the body. Get them at a health food store or herbal shop for better quality than Wal-Mart or even the drug store. Stop TV time or computer time at least an hour before bed, body temp has to drop slightly before successful sleep can occur so get the house cool. You could try reading something calming and listening to something like soft music that last hour before you try to sleep. Try camomile tea right before bed too. White noise like a tape with the sound of the ocean or rain fall works too sometimes. Also, if you smoke, if you wake up during the night, don't smoke as nicotine is a stimulant. Also, cut off the caffeine no later than 4pm. Hope some of this helps! Good luck!