Wendy, I am sorry for your troubles and your need to be here. You have come to a good place to sort things out. There are others before you who have been in similar circumstances, you are not alone in this.
It is never too late to change what is not working for you or for your son.
When there is violence involved and fear, it is important to prepare and seek out safe options.
I have been exposed to violent episodes with my two daughters, their boyfriends and associates. It didn’t start out to be that way. Things escalated with crack and meth abuse. It can be a very frightening experience and heart wrenching as well to see a loved one lose themselves to drugs and rage. It is a huge, uncontrollable adult addict tantrum.
This is unacceptable behavior in our homes.
Do you live alone with your son?
There are outreach programs for seniors.
Please research your options and if your son acts out, leave the house. Stay safe. Addicts on a rampage are unpredictable.
You did not cause this, can’t cure it, or control it. I have learned that giving anything to an addict just enables them to keep drugging.
So I stopped.
Drugs are involved, my son is a herion addict. He becomes very agressive (knocks holes in walls, etc) when he does not get what he wants. I guess my greatest fear is him hurting me and me having to get police involved.
Your safety is imperative. There are steps you can take to protect yourself.
I had to call the police on a few occasions due to violence and child neglect. Addicts don’t like police involved.
Who calls the police on their own child?
I did, and would do it again in a heartbeat. Why should our adult children be allowed to wreak havoc in our lives due to their drug addiction?
If your son has threatened you, verbally, loomed over you, destroyed property, menaced you, you are a victim of domestic violence. Senior abuse.
If he goads you into giving him money by acting out with violence, this is extortion. It is criminal. Be very careful. Keep your documents and valuables safe, create an escape plan.
I don’t want to sound extreme, but having dealt with the unpredictable circumstances of adult daughters on meth, I know the fear and understand they are capable of doing things in a rage that they wouldn’t do, if they were themselves.
Please stay safe and begin to take steps to freeing yourself from the consequences of your sons choices.
Get help from a counselor, or al anon. Find all the resources you can to untangle yourself from this situation you are in.
You matter, your peace of mind matters.
I am so sorry for your troubles, you are not alone.