Janet, for the record, I think you did exactly the right thing with Ant. It was time, and you had no other choice. You have gone way above and beyond what most people would have ever done. You have given him opportunity after opportunity, helped him again and again, and he made the decision to blow it. There is no more that you can do at this point without it being enabling. The rest is up to him. Hes a grown man and these are his choices to make. I, too, have lived around alcoholics all my life and I think that anyone trying to recover from an addiction should probably expect to stumble a time or two. As others have said, it was very encouraging that he did as well as he did for so long. But instead of picking himself up and trying again, hes giving up and falling back to thinking that its hopeless and that hes powerless against it. But you cant pick him up again hell have to do that himself.
And as for your exbf ? boyfriend ? exbf ? boyfriend ? exbf
I hope youll forgive me for being so blunt, but I call them the way I see them. I think hes a self-serving user! I think hes playing you for his own purposes and that he picked a VERY bad time to do it, when you have so many other critical issues going on in your life right now. Yes, he has been very good to you in the past. And, yes, he has given your son a job. But in return, he was treated like the King! Pretty good deal! And dont forget that while he was getting the royal treatment from you, he was also lying to you, betraying you with other women, visiting singles websites, treating you very shabbily, and comparing your family to "baggage".!
Then HE breaks it off with you
but he keeps calling and calling, giving you mixed message after mixed message
Hes sure
Hes NOT sure
He misses you terribly
Hes confused
Hes depressed
Then hes asking you to go to a play with him? Its like he dropped this bomb on you about breaking up but then he keeps popping back in to see how youre taking it, trying to gauge your reactions and keep you worried and concerned about him. Thats the payoff for him he misses being the center of your universe! He has to keep you dangling there making HIM feel important! This was HIS idea and whether hes eating or sleeping well or is "depressed" is not your concern anymore. YOU have a lot more depressing things going on in your own life right now that far outweigh his being depressed over an anniversary date! And instead of trying to help you through it, he keeps turning the focus back to HIM! Poor him! :frown:
And at the risk of sounding totally flippant, I don't believe that "lust issues" is a certifiable disorder or anything that requires treatment or should evoke sympathy! From where I stand, there is an awful lot of that going around these days! It's a regular epidemic! It's not like a disease they catch and are helpless against ... "Poor thing, he suffers from 'Lust Issues' - he just can't help it". "Lust issues" is just another term for "bad behavior"! :cool:
I'm not saying not to let him back into your life again, if that's what you want, and if that will make you happy. But if you do, please do it with your eyes wide open and with the knowledge that (to paraphrase Fran) ... he will probably always do what he always did! Then decide if you can live with that. You deserve much, MUCH better!