100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I too thought it seemed kind of "cold" when I first heard about detaching. I didn't understand what it meant. I didn't think I could ever do it with our youngest son who we love so much. I didn't think I would ever want to do that!!
We had gone through five years of hell with him. Him continuing to make one bad decision after another starting at the age of 15. Then drug use came into the picture. We ran around like crazy people trying to fix everything. Attorneys, police, juvenile detention, jail, therapists, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, medication, in patient rehab, outpatient rehab, college courses, a car, lots of $$$, you name it; we tried it. Thinking THAT would be it. Just this one more thing. All the while our marriage was suffering, our other two children who were doing well were pushed to the side. Our joy was muffled. Our family life was shredded.
My how things have changed. He is still making some poor choices but now he is not living with us. It doesn't effect us every day. I miss him terribly but I know it's not good for him or us to be in our home any longer. I wish it wasn't this way but it is. I have to accept how he is right now and hope and pray that he sees the light and changes and finds the right path and wants a better life for HIMSELF. I had to accept that nothing I could say or do would change one damned thing.
I am in therapy for myself and it is helping me. This forum helps me. To be supportive to him with BOUNDARIES. We have to help ourselves. This can go on for many years and isn't a quick fix. We can't write the end of the story yet.

I too thought it seemed kind of "cold" when I first heard about detaching. I didn't understand what it meant. I didn't think I could ever do it with our youngest son who we love so much. I didn't think I would ever want to do that!!
We had gone through five years of hell with him. Him continuing to make one bad decision after another starting at the age of 15. Then drug use came into the picture. We ran around like crazy people trying to fix everything. Attorneys, police, juvenile detention, jail, therapists, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, medication, in patient rehab, outpatient rehab, college courses, a car, lots of $$$, you name it; we tried it. Thinking THAT would be it. Just this one more thing. All the while our marriage was suffering, our other two children who were doing well were pushed to the side. Our joy was muffled. Our family life was shredded.
My how things have changed. He is still making some poor choices but now he is not living with us. It doesn't effect us every day. I miss him terribly but I know it's not good for him or us to be in our home any longer. I wish it wasn't this way but it is. I have to accept how he is right now and hope and pray that he sees the light and changes and finds the right path and wants a better life for HIMSELF. I had to accept that nothing I could say or do would change one damned thing.
I am in therapy for myself and it is helping me. This forum helps me. To be supportive to him with BOUNDARIES. We have to help ourselves. This can go on for many years and isn't a quick fix. We can't write the end of the story yet.