Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
I thought about posting this over in watercooler......but I figure everyone here is more up to date on the happenings with stepgfg and I wouldn't have to go into long explainations. 
We hadn't heard from stepgfg for nearly two weeks. Not nary a peep. No one. And I had begun to wonder if my pointed questioning about her "condition" had scared her off....or perhaps the fact that we're as broke as she is..... While also realizing she could've lost internet for whatever reason as well.
But I'd refused to worry about it. (ain't ya proud)
Last evening stepgfg sent Nichole a quick email explaining that she hadn't gotten back with anyone because the kids had caught a nasty bug at school and the whole family had come down with it. Stepgfg's had developed into a nast sinus infection on top of it. But she'd dropped the line to let everyone know she wasn't ignoring anyone.
Gee. First time I've ever seen stepgfg show consideration for other people.
So. On to what made ME feel good. Today I went hunting for free e cards. I haven't sent an e card in ages. But I thought how it might make Kayla, Alex, and Evan feel to recieve an e card from Nana. So I picked one that's a Get Well and it's this cute Bear that hugs the screen. And I hunt down one for stepgfg while I'm at it. Sent her one with a Basset on it and a little note.
Whether stepgfg is running a scam or not............Doesn't make any difference.
Just a small simple little act. Didn't cost me a thing except a few minutes cursing at the computer trying to find an e card site that actually is FREE. And I got to do something NICE for them all.
And I was sitting here after I sent them thinking....... Ya know, if stepgfg isn't running a scam.....How nice it will feel that someone took the time to send something to cheer them up when they're feeling bad, and let them know they cared. And even if she's running a scam........heck, it's still nice to know someone somewhere cares about you when you're feeling crappy.
Warmed my heart. Gave me that good feeling. And it felt good to do something for them after so long of nothing.

We hadn't heard from stepgfg for nearly two weeks. Not nary a peep. No one. And I had begun to wonder if my pointed questioning about her "condition" had scared her off....or perhaps the fact that we're as broke as she is..... While also realizing she could've lost internet for whatever reason as well.
But I'd refused to worry about it. (ain't ya proud)
Last evening stepgfg sent Nichole a quick email explaining that she hadn't gotten back with anyone because the kids had caught a nasty bug at school and the whole family had come down with it. Stepgfg's had developed into a nast sinus infection on top of it. But she'd dropped the line to let everyone know she wasn't ignoring anyone.
Gee. First time I've ever seen stepgfg show consideration for other people.
So. On to what made ME feel good. Today I went hunting for free e cards. I haven't sent an e card in ages. But I thought how it might make Kayla, Alex, and Evan feel to recieve an e card from Nana. So I picked one that's a Get Well and it's this cute Bear that hugs the screen. And I hunt down one for stepgfg while I'm at it. Sent her one with a Basset on it and a little note.
Whether stepgfg is running a scam or not............Doesn't make any difference.
Just a small simple little act. Didn't cost me a thing except a few minutes cursing at the computer trying to find an e card site that actually is FREE. And I got to do something NICE for them all.
And I was sitting here after I sent them thinking....... Ya know, if stepgfg isn't running a scam.....How nice it will feel that someone took the time to send something to cheer them up when they're feeling bad, and let them know they cared. And even if she's running a scam........heck, it's still nice to know someone somewhere cares about you when you're feeling crappy.
Warmed my heart. Gave me that good feeling. And it felt good to do something for them after so long of nothing.