I don't visit this site much, but your post touched me.
I have had issues with depression from both sides (Being depressed and being around a depressed person you care very much about).
First: about the medications - YES, take them, and as was mentioned earlier, it will take some time before YOU notice the difference. Others around you will notice it sooner, but hey, we never see ourselves the way we really are. When I first took Zoloft, I was sick to my stomach for the first three days, and I almost went off of it, but on the fourth day, everything seemed "normal"...
My problems were still there, but I was then able to actually think about them and start to try figuring out how to deal with them. Before the Zoloft, I "thought" I was dealing with them, but really was only obsessing about them - not really doing anything.
After two weeks, I felt almost a hundred years younger! :wink: Well it seemed that way, anyway. Depression is VERY tiring.
Second: As was already suggested, do NOT make any life altering decisions until you are well balanced on the medication. From the outside: When my wife succumed to depression, she told me to get out, she threw me out, she had me arrested (Police HAVE to believe spousal abuse allegations, even if they are not true, or are witnessed to be false). Not because she didn't love me, but because she was confused. Depression can cause YOU to do things that you would never do, if you were in your right mind. That's the problem though... If your depressed, you might NOT be in your right mind.
There are many varieties of depression, and all come with different intensities... Try real hard not to make a mistake that you will regret.
If after your balanced on your medications, and are taking counselling, and still need to have your husband remove himself from your life, fine... My wife almost lost me, because of depression... she pushed me away so hard... (I'm stubborn, it didn't happen the way she wanted it to), and there were a LOT of hurt feelings because of it, but, when she COULD think straight, she did regret her actions... WE worked long and hard to overcome the hurt feelings (On both sides - when I'm mad I can say very hurtful things, too), but our marriage actually became stronger than it was before.
Third: Counselling - with a psycologist, family doctor, cleric, or even just a friend who has gone through depression, is JUST as important as the medications. The medications will give you a chance to deal with your problems (We all have problems - most depression is believed to be "Triggered" by stress - it may run in families but not all family members get it. Last I read, the verdict was still out on if the tendency of depression running in families have a genetic or an environmental root cause.), next you need to to organize your thoughts, and people being social animals, talking is the best way... HINT: Do NOT use a family member - we all care too deeply about our family to think rationally when we feel one of our own is getting hurt - using the services of those knowledgable in the problems involved but not emotionally involved improves your efforts... I've tried it both ways, and talked to others who have as well, and family is NOT the way to go...
Fourth: You may have issues with the prescribed medications, consistancy of effect, side effects, etc. TELL YOUR DOCTOR! There are MANY Anti-Depressents, and one of them will "Level" you, while causing the least disruption to your life. If after four weeks, YOU see NO change, contact your doctor about a change in medications. If you see SOME change, the dosage may be wrong.
Good luck! Wishing you strength!