A very provocative and thoughtful thread, I appreciate everyone's feelings. I think my main focus has been to be able to articulate my own feelings so I can understand, and also to try to assist others in
not going down all the painful roads I've been walking on for the last 20 years. Perhaps, this painful process of letting go, detaching and accepting is so individual and unique to each of us that although we have common experiences, our paths through are quite diverse.
I was thinking about something Sig said, about how at a young age her son just went off the rails suddenly. I experienced that same thing with my difficult child when she was a senior in HS, an honor student, heading to college, lots of promise and a bright future, and 3 months prior to graduation, she packed her bags one weekend when I was away and left for L.A. with 3 friends. That was the first of many very poor choices which she still pays for in many ways. No substance abuse, just a broken brain. From then till now has been quite a ride.
I was thinking about all of this this morning and I thought, this process I've been in with my difficult child is a lot like the 4 stages of grief. Here's a link if you are interested in reading about them
Nancy, I know it's hard to get, for me too. I've only just landed here and the acceptance part was what really helped me to stop the extensive worrying ,....... the acceptance of simply what is, not of the bad choices and behavior, just what is. And, in taking that big deep let go breath, it was as if I could see my difficult child now, without the fog of my own judgments. Not to say my judgements were incorrect, they just prevented me from seeing her. So, in putting them aside, not condoning any behaviors at all, but separating her from the choices she's making, I could see her.
In spite of our individual paths though this difficult child landscape, I admire each and every one of you for your love, dedication and commitment to your kids, and whether you worry or not, detach or not, accept or not, the path is a devastating one filled with mine fields not one of us ever anticipated nor do we know how to sidestep them. I know everyone here on this board is doing the very best they know how to, every single day. My greatest prayer for all of us, is that we find peace.